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I dont know what she is thinking NOW!!!

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My Fiancee cheated on me and after 8 months I try hard to get he back but only get disrespect and coldness and atlast I caught her on valentine day cheating on me.. and then I confront her and she was asking for forgiveness and wanna come back.. but i cannot tolerate cheating so I talked to my family and my elder bro. was really pissed of and went her house and yeild on her and then she called me and said I only talked to him and never meet him in person and I said just leave me and I dont want to talk abt it anf then she said Its my luck If I get marry with you..

I she tell every1 in the family that she wants to marry me..thats it..and then her family decide to get seperation b/w me and her.. and now its 3 months passed but i still try hard to com over her and I cannot make any decision.. my parents are saying the wait and just get busy with your work and job.. let your mind away from her ..


Should I contact her and see what she is doing?? and what she is thinking abt our relationship.. ??


I dont know what she is doing and thinking and I am really in stressfull and feel really betrayed.. I am really confused If this marriage happens.

Please advice me ...

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