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My cousin wants to marry at 17...he ask for my advice? what

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17 is WAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY too young. At seventeen you definitely don't know what you want from your life partner, from a relationship, I'm sure your cousin is not even sure what he/she wants out of life for themselves!!

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Definitely too young. Tell him that if he's so sure this girl is the one for him, then they'll still be together years from now (5+ at least) when they're old enough to get married and support themselves. Until then, if they're still together, what's the rush?


He'll probably break up with her soon enough and hopefully learn the error of his ways.

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Hmm... ok, so I have a different take. I know several couples who married young (19) and have been happily married for over 20 years. I think some people are just deeply compatible.


But, chances are, they may be too young for each other. I would be very careful when approaching your cousin. People who are crazy in love think that you are against them or jealous if you try to discourage the relationship. If they bring it up, if I were you, I would advise to your cousin a long engagement. I'd also suggest that your cousin and his fiancee go get some pre-marital counseling from a priest or a counselor. Perhaps one of these objective professionals can make your cousin and his girl see that the reality of being married isn't as great as the fantasy.


good luck!!!

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