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Ok im not really sure how to put this so il just say it. The wall next to my bed has some drips on it from my dried up cum and i cant clean them off with anything without fading the paint, and theres a strip of wood that runs around the middle of the wall painted gold and it has turned green were it has dried. i know this is a really random thing but im worried incase somone figures what they are.

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Use Mr.Clean Magic erasers- they are about $3.50 at the grocery store for two of them. You wet one and wash the wall- they really work!! I don't know about cum on the wall--lol-- but everything from scratches to crayons to dirt and such come off without scubbing really hard!! They are magic erasers

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Use Mr.Clean Magic erasers- they are about $3.50 at the grocery store for two of them. You wet one and wash the wall- they really work!! I don't know about cum on the wall--lol-- but everything from scratches to crayons to dirt and such come off without scubbing really hard!! They are magic erasers

Good idea.

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If you wanna avoid making a mess then I would suggest taking a few paper towels or something and cumming in that, you can throw them away or flush them so you don't even have to wash a towle, plus that's kinda gross to think you'll be using that same towel someday after a shower (washed or not, just the thought of it kinda grosses me out). Yeah I would definitly use paper towels.

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You funny little kiwi! Try a product called "stain devils". I saw them in foodtown. Can't say they detailed cum stains on wallpaper as one of their applications...failing that, get ye down to Mitre 10 hardware pronto. Put up a poster or move the bed and try a cloth next time (actually a handy t shirt and straight into the wash!)


Is it me or does the line "Only you can make you happy" (who uses that) seem so much more appropriate in this discussion.

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if the gold plating turned greenthen there was a chemical reaction with the body fluid and the minerals in the plating. i dont think anything s going to remove the green stain because it's not superficial. the chemical stain is related to rusted metal, you can't get the metal shiniy again because physical change has taken place. makes sense? i dont think anyone is going to know why it's green, let alone even noice or care. don't worry about it.

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