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I was wondering my ex broke up with me fater 10 months as not ready for serius rship, we have always been open n honest and even with this we didnt figt but understood one another.


we didnt talk for a month n then wrote each other a email, since then sh has called me to 'catch up' i couldt talk long though, she then wrote me a email a month later for my bday n said she would call that weekend, she sent message that weekend sayin she couldntcall cos of work, i wrote back sayin that was cool and i was out anyways, she said she would call the next day. i missed her call.


i messaged her to see if she wnated to chat, she called me up and we chatted.


im now wondering are we friends? we never chat bout break up or ive never demanded explanations or begged her back nuttin, everything has always been supportive with us.


im just thinkin we seem to now chat bout once a month.............will this effect our chances of gettin back together for worse or better?


i wnather back but if being her friend will lessen the chances of that i dont wnat to b her friend.


are we even friends cos we only talk once a month at most.


it hasnt been that long since split.


does being friends lessen chances of gettin back together?

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i prolly lost my chance of getting back with my g/f after splitting up 12 mts ago,(7 yrs together) we have remained very very close since, intimate even,phoned each other every morning and night and in between for the last 12 mts, she never got a chance to miss me


she did admit to me some time ago that i had chased her away by pleading crying begging , basicallly being a total pain for the first few weeks, and if i had left her alone we would prolly be together, the worse thing of all is that 12 mts after being so close she has found someone else. guess there is a moral there somewhere


at the end of the day it boils down to what she wants to do, if she wants to come back in the future its her decision and hers alone, that said i was happy being her special friend but it hurts to see her with another, what will be will be,


take care


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