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Well I am sure some of you have read my previous post about breaking up with the love of my life, and her seeing other guys to try and make me jealous. WE were together for 3.5 years, and have been apart now for about 6 weeks, but have remained talking daily, and being friends. Well the past 4 days I have had an amazing feeling. I can actually say that I am over her, I use to not be able to say it! She went to Phoniex to see some guy she meet over Spring Break, and came back, and I didn't care that she went, or what she did! She was upset that I didn't care.


Then last night, I told her that I was over her, and that I would move on and find someone that would love me like I loved her. It was great! I am soooo excited about what the future holds me. I am meeting this girl tonight...

I am not saying that I don't love her and care for her, but I have finally seen the light and able to put the past begind me. I am better off! GOD I love saying that! I am sure that I will have days where she is on my mind, and it makes me sad, but I am moving on...and loving it!


I just want to say thanks to everyone (RayKay and sooooo many more) who has helped me here! I will continue to come and hopefully help others that are in the same spot I was a month ago!



To all the people feeling rejected or sad about losing someone...it gets better trust me. I thought I was going to die without her, or kill myself.


The End will justify the pain it took to get you there! REMEMBER THAT

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I wish I could be that open-minded about painfull break-ups but the Best of Luck to you, on yor date tonite and in your future \


I am not saying that I am 100% over her, but I am getting there. I can look back on the past 2 weeks and see some huge improvements that I have made. I am sure that I will struggle with the break up when it comes close to bdays and anniver. but I am moving on!


It isn't really a date tonight, going to meet this girl that I have heard a lot about maybe. And hopefully if I am attracted to her will ask her to join myself and some co workers for a movie!

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hey good for you. i made a post about being over my ex the other day but the majority of people told me i really wasnt. so more power to you..good luck with the girl your meeting


You know only you know that you are over her...not ppl posting on a forum. You may still love her, but you can move on. Don't let ppl tell you something different when your mind/heart is telling you that you are moving on. I will always love my ex and will hold her close to my heart. But only I know that I am over her.

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hey good for you. i made a post about being over my ex the other day but the majority of people told me i really wasnt. so more power to you..good luck with the girl your meeting


You know only you know that you are over her...not ppl posting on a forum. You may still love her, but you can move on. Don't let ppl tell you something different when your mind/heart is telling you that you are moving on. I will always love my ex and will hold her close to my heart. But only I know that I am over her.


i couldnt agree more with what your saying. you learn to love them in a different way

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