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not ready 4 serious rship?

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Sure they can love you - but they are not in love with you or passionate about you. In their hearts and minds, whatever they feel for you, the costs/negatives of being with you outweigh any positives they may see. In other words, being with you is not worth them giving up their freedom, or taking themselves off the market for that person who IS worth giving up their freedom for.


When someone does not want a serious relationship with you, and you don't want a casual, open dating experience with them, it is best to move on to someone who won't want to even risk the chance of you being with anyone else...not only will they want to be yours, but they'll want you to be theirs. Don't settle for someone who is "really not that into you".

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I think people can love you an not want a serious relationship. To me personally that's not true love, if their love for you was strong, real, passionate believe me they wouldn't want to lose you.

When I love someone, I don't want anything less than something real. Basically, I dobn't even buy that whole concept of loving someone but not wanting a serious relationship. If the love was real and stong I don't think they'd want anything less.

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There is a difference of being "in love" and "loving someone" .

A big difference.


I don't believe that if someone is in love with you that they wouldn't be with you because of their not being ready or not wanting a serious relationship. I believe that if someone loves you that they can geniunley just love you and not want to be in a relationship with you

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hi, i think it is not about they love you but dont have passions for u as they say, or they love you but dont want to have relations. Here is what i think


People who loves and afraid to be in serious relationships could be people afraid of responsibilities.


I love a girl but iam afraid to tell her. One reason because iam shy and i dont know what are her feelings? The second reason is because i never being in a relationship before and so i think i cant handle serious relationships u know ? Thats all

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Honestly, it depends on your age. I have advice on this topic, but not knowing how old you are, it's hard to say, so I'll just give both pieces of advice:


If you are still in high school/first year of college, I do think it's possible. At these times in someone's life, they cannot readily see themselves being committed to one person. When they think of commitment, they think of "life-long" and that scares them. It has nothing to do with their particular feelings for you, it's just that they feel like they have more life to live.


However, if you are in your twenties, or older, I would say that this person that you speak of has a real commitment phobia. As a 20+, they should be considering what the rest of their life is going to be like, not just living for the moment. So in this case, I think their wavering commitment is a sign that they are just not willing to grow up.


Hope this helps in one way or another.

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