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Hello everyone,


Okay, I'm not usually scared of the dentist but in this instant I am.


I have to have some braces fitted some time soon and I'm nervous. I was just wondering what is it they do when the apply your braces?


Is there any needles involved? I'm petrified of needles!! Also does it hurt in anway??


I have sensetive teeth so their going to make my gum line more stronger.


Any advice would be helpful.



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No, getting them fitted doesn't hurt. No needles. Just be prepared for the few days to a few weeks afterwards when your teeth are extremely sensitive to anything. I couldn't even eat pancakes...I only ate jello and pudding for 2 weeks straight. (kidding, but pretty close).

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Depends on the type of brace for breakage. The "train track" braces can come off the tooth, but it doesn't hurt.


I actually miss my braces. I used to like getting them tightened, it was always quite relaxing. I was still glad to have them removed though, simply because I wasn't allowed to chew gum when I had them. Two years without gum is a long time.

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Getting braces put on is really no big deal. Take it from me, I had them a few years ago. You'll feel some pressure when they insert some small metal looking things on your molars, but other than that it's painless.


The part that is painful is the day after. Your teeth will have some pressure on them that they're not used to, and naturally they will be very sore. I remember the day after I had my braces on, I couldn't even eat a banana. So, get the milkshakes ready . . or drink Ensure.


Getting your braces off is equally non-painful as getting them on. Each time you go see your orthodontist, he'll "tighten" them. The pain then comes a day later and lasts a few days to just over a week.


The end result of braces is well worth it though. You can smile with confidence, and there's nothing sexier than a pretty smile.

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Thanks for all your replies.


I was worried because some kids at school says it hurts like hell and that you'd snap your nails when you tightly clench the chair arm!!!


I feel sooooo much better now!! I thought that needles would be involved and a lot of pain! Now I know it's just my friends winding me up!

Thank-you so much all!


*hugs to all*


Miya x

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Hey I have braces, it is not that bad! the first couple of weeks is kind of hard, but the rest is all downhill! You teeth will be fixed in no time!


But there are downsides to braces. For one thing, food gets stuck in your teeth. AGH! I hate that! And also sometimes the wires they put on your teeth cut your lips.


All in all, braces aren't that bad, sometimes I don't even feel them. You will get used to your braces, PROMISE!

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Wow Sheyda,


Sorry to hear about you bad experiance with dentists!!


What an idiot! I would have complained to his boss! Putting you through that!


Also Jazmine told me that if you kiss someone when you have braces, then your brace gets stuck in their mouth!? That true?

Also, If you have braces and the other peson has braces then both sets of braces become tangled!


Is that true? Or is she having me on?


Tehe, I sound pathetic! But I feel to shy to ask the dentist.


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