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I don't know what to do....

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I don't want to make this to long ...so I'll just cut to the chase..

Well my best friend is a guy.. And it's awsome having him as my best friend , I love the guy so0o0o0o much. But the problem is I think I like him, sometimes I just sit ther and look at him and think do I or don't I. But deep down I know I do, everyday that goes by and I see him I feel like hes my reason for living.. We hang out with each other everyday, we are so close that if I'm not with him my other friends and teachers will ask me where he is cause were always together.


The problem is that I know he won't like me I'm to ugly and fat, I think... Plus I never want to hurt our relationship, it's so perfect... i don't know what to do..


Sorry if this is the wrong section, and if anyone has some advise please post it.. ThanX!

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sorry. wish i could help, but i don't really have any useful advice i know the situations and it sounds quite tough. i'm probably the complete opposite of you, where i attract girls quite a bit, but i'm having a hard time finding a serious friend

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