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I really need to vent. I havent done things the right way this week. Ive been taking CNA classes (certified nurses aid classes) and it was the last day on friday and i asked a girl for an answer (i didnt get it) and i still passed the test. Come to find out she told on me and I got kicked out. The thing was...we all helped eachother out at any time. We all got acouple answers off eachother, so...why me?

I passed the test, but got kicked out because they asked me if I cheated and I told them the truth "i asked her for a question and she didnt give it to me"...


See...I cant lie, I dont like to lie and my mother always taught me to tell the truth. So I figure If i tell the truth than maybe theyll cut me some slack.


Well they didnt. And they said if i would have LIED than i could have stayed! AND THATS What made me so mad.


A couple other girls got kicked otu because they were getting 60% and Than got a 96 on the test and the teacher Knew that that was cheating. But they denied it and still got kicked out.


I guess im just really upset with myself. Im trying to get my foot in the door with something to do with my life. Its very hard for me because I want to be something RIGHT NOW. And thats not going to happen.


Now im Jobless and That was the current school i was going to. So now I have to start from scratch. And im so disappointed in myself

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Well - honey, I'm sorry for your situation. But, you won't get a lot of sympathy from me. I'm a strict believer in academic honesty. Those rules aren't there to make your life bad, but to make sure that the patients get nurses who know what they're doing. Nurses can make life or death decisions sometimes!!! This is a very serious line of work.


I've never cheated on an exam. Well - I did once in middle school, and I did worse as a result, because I had the right answers at first, but then I changed them when I saw my neighbors. That experience taught me to trust my own mind, even if your neighbor is the smartest kid in the class (which he was!)


But it really upset me when I saw my college classmates cheating and I was working super hard to get my grades. It hurts the system when the cheaters get As and those students who work hard on their own get Bs and Cs.


Well - I hope you take your next line of work more seriously. I for one, am glad you won't be my nurse! Sorry if that sounds harsh, but I want a nurse who knows her stuff without having to cheat on a test.

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Hi JBug,


I am currently in college pursuing an RN (registered nurse) degree and I can tell you that at my school honesty is a trait that is HUGELY enforced, it's really important that you know the information and not try to get answers from someone else. Our exams are proctored by 5 instructors who hawk around myself and my 33 classmates, making sure no one is cheating. We are not even allowed to have drinks in the test room or tissues (lest we write an answer on the tissue or drink label). It's very serious business.


I'm sure you are kicking yourself now, but you should know that even if other people are scamming answers off one another that doesn't mean it's Ok and you still shouldn't do it. My classmates and I are all good friends and we help each other out in study groups before the test, but never would dream of cheating.


As you know now this record is going to follow you to your next school.... I just hope you learned your lesson.


Cheating is a very serious offense, and esp. in nursing where you have patients' lives in your hands. Academic integrity is most important.

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Also going to school to be a nurse. I would get so ticked at the girls who would goof off in Pharmacology and talk right through the lecture, and pretty much just ruin it for everyone else. Of course these girls were in the program itself, while girls like me have to wait because the school LOST my dang transcripts.


Look, cheating is not ok. You know that, the girl who didn't give you the answer knew that. If their policy on helping one another out wasn't clear, then you need to petiton the head person or something. If you know for a FACT that others were doing the same thing, then bring it up. I'm going to have to say though that this is a case where you're going to have to just take it on the chin. Talk to your advisor on what you can do. Surely they'll let you re-enroll, and doing this the second time around will make it easier and you won't make the same mistake. Most schools aren't too sympathetic to cheating or suspected.

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ok now see...this goes to show you how people are


I JUST GOT DONE trying to say that Im upset with MYSELF for trying to cheat. And you seen that Ive learned my lesson.


I came to here for HELP, not for critizism and making me feel any more LESS than I do.


I dont want either of you to answer to any of my posts that i write... your opinion means nothing to me

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I am sorry that you feel that way - we are only trying to help. I suppose if you write a letter to the person in charge of your program, telling them how badly you feel like you told us, they may allow you back into the program. I guess another option would be to apply to a different nursing program, or just another program in general in your area.


Good luck with your career decisions.

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