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I need advice on how to flirt with a girl.But I really don't know if the advice i'll get can really work. I don't want to seem desperate. I really like this girl and i wana do the flirting good.I aslo want advice on the conversation.She is popular at school and i don't know if she will fall for me.

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You might not like my advice but I want to post it anyway. I think ou should just tell her you like her....she's popular, who cares....she might like you but you don't know it. Just tell her, get over with it....find out if she likes you back, if she doesn't , at least now you know and won't have to wonder about it forever... I don't know maybe this approach is too hardcore, but I'd rather just want to know for sure instead of endless flirting that leads nowhere.

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hey yeh i wudnt of thought of that advise but i agree. its so much less annoying for the both of you if one of you just says it, girls are often thinking this is the guys job, and they really respond well if u can come out and tell them, instead of casual flirting. Tho if shes in a cool group thats always having parties n stuff it cud be hard if u arent really part of it. i think maybe smile at her and see if she responds to it by smiling back. How well do you know her?

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say "hi" and smile while walking past her. Don't go for a casual, friend like "hi", or she'll be like: "for who that was meant for?". No, look her into eyes, make sure she knows you're talking to her. You can read then her body language, whether or not she likes you.


This is nice trick if you don't dare to go and start a conversation with her, at least you can escape quite quickly and safely if she's like "WTF!?"

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