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Advice on asking a girl out for my first time

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I need some advice about asking a girl out. She goes to my school, but I haven't talked to her and we are out for the summer now. I really would like to get to know her more and do something with her. I've talked to her on msn for a few months and I've learned a lot more about her. I recently asked her if she wanted to go to a movie sometime and she replied with a maybe. A few days after that I talked to her again and asked for her phone number and I got it right away no questions asked. What should I do now? I sure hope she has a somewhat intrest in me. I hope you can provide me with some insite.


Thanks Alot,






Could you guys provide me with things to talk about during the phone conversation?

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If she gave you her phone number so easily, then you should definitely call her. Try calling on a weeknight for a casual chat. Don't be too eager. Maybe tell her that you were just chillin' out and thought you'd give her a call. Ask her how she is, and take it from there. If she's willing to talk, then her answers will give you a starting point of a conversation. Think about things you might have in common, or shared experiences. Keep it light. I remember one particular time i called a girl that i'd only chatted to online. We chatted on the phone for four hours! If the conversation becomes strained, be ready with an excuse to end it.

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Hi there

Women like men who are confident and assertive. You want to come off casual and easygoing on the phone when asking her out. Dont sound too eager or too strong - take it real easy.


You may want to find out if you have things in common, i find it so easy to talk about movies, sports, travelling, class, commonality...what have you. Anything under the sun basically. How about Matrix 2 as a start. Great movie..shows you watched it and indicates you like sci-fi films. Something to that extent.


Dont think of her as this GORGEOUS GIRL. Look at her as a PERSON and be pay close attention to what she says. What she says can tell you alot about her personality, likes/dislikes, values and beliefs.


Have fun getting to know her as a person and dont feel INTIMIDATED for one bit.

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Thanks for all of your help. I will call her next Monday, so I don't sound too eager. I recently found out she went to our town's fair with another guy, but I don't know if he is just a friend or something. Should I just take it smooth and not mention anything about dates yet or should I ask?






P.S. -- I have some friends that I know that are girls and we known each other forever and they say that I'm real sweet. How kind should I act towards the one I want to get to know? I know you shouldn't act to eager.

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