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Thank you for stopping here with me everybody!


I'm 20,my husband is 26,we have married for 1 year,and known each other for 2 years.We are really apecial,we met online,we lived in different countries before we got married,which means we couldn't see each other everyday,not even everyweek!We met every 2-3 months,and stayed together for 1-2 weeks each time(24 hours a day)...So at that time,we made love almost everyday!I really got the feeling of wanting and being wanted at that time!


Since we got married,we live together,of course I know it's differnt now,because he has to work on weekdays.So we don't have sex quite often now,about 1-2 times a week,it's ok,I mean that's the not the problem,but the problem is every time I am the active one who ask for it first!And many times during the sex,I could feel that he's a little IN RUSH,you know what I mean?


So what I'm thinking is maybe he's too tired at work...or he is not that interested in sex?Or the worest...he is not interested in me anymore?(Though I have the confidence that I'm attractive enough)...who knows!


I love him,and I can feel that he loves me too!But I hope we can have more communication about sex!what should I do to make it be better?Please give me some advise!Thank you so much! !

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As Iceman, you need to talk to him about this - part of a healthy marriage/relationship is being able to communicate about these things. Be sure not to "attack" him though, and use "I feel...." statements such as "I feel like we have not been able to have much intimate moments lately and I feel a bit sad about that"....


The only way to improve communication is to start working on it, so talk to him!

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Thank you Iceman and Raykay!I did talk about it as you advised!He said he had been worked for all day......I like to understand him,because I don't need to work,it's not fair to him if I can't understand.But I think he spends more times on watching TV than sharing times with me(not only sex)!That is what I'm worried about!Then he said he needs some his space,he cannot "play with me"all the time as soon as he gets off work!Is he right?Is it normal to men?Or maybe I think that's my problem,because I stay at home everyday,and expect he can stay with me too much!?But I will go to school soon!So I'll see!


Anyways,I know I still have the passion to love him as hot&sweet as before,but I don't know whether he does...

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You are more than welcome.


Well, its not a matter if he is right or not by acting that way when he come home, it just happens to be his preference. Some people, when they come home from work, need a few minutes to themselves before they want to interact with anyone, etc. I think that preference goes both ways, for men and women.


As soon as you get busy, doing your own thing, I am sure he will be the one begging for your attention.

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