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i first came here about two years ago when i broke up with my gf of 5 years. it took me like about one year to finally start going out. I meet this girl that i totaly fell in love with. All my wounds were heal, but today after 9 months it came to an end. I know whats ahead of me nothig put pain and sarrow. I dont think i have the streght to go on, the first time was really really hard now im going to go through it again.

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Well I don't know your age range, but I'm assuming your young. Pretty much dating and break-ups are natural. It's never easy but you learn from each person as you go along. Hopefully one day you find that one person whose going to be your life partner but even that one day your relationship with them will end (people do die and not usually together). I understand you feel a piece of you has gone with that person. Know that you will heal and likely think of them with fondness, or not. But try not to hang on to the past too much it'll keep you there for too long and you have the here and now to live in.

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