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I've decided to leave him


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I know u guys wanted the best for me, I've token everyone's device, but how do get over this I feel alone I feel like I'm crazy and I'm still crying a lot I feel like as if I don't know anymore about anything, I don't want to live my life alone, I feel like I'm breaking down like crazy, right now I staying at women's shelter, I don't have family members in my life who are willing to help me and this worst in all of this my diabetes, my depression is just out of control, and I'm 38 years old and still haven't found myself a good relationship I feel I just keep finding over and over again men who just want to control me or use me I'm so lost in this life

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You're so much more stronger than you think you are, just always remember that. The fact you had the courage to leave him should show you and him that you take your happiness seriously.

About the feeling alone, I can relate. It takes time to get used to being alone, and once you feel content with that it'll feel good. Remind yourself it's better to stay single than to be with a man who didn't know how to love you right.

I used to volunteer at a women's shelter and they offered many services, does the one you stay at provide services for depression treatment and such?

Also, you are still young. AT least by now you know what kind of man you do not want. There is no age limit when it comes to love.

It gets easier with time, but it's time to put your happiness first. This is what I am trying to do too.


Vent here, you are not alone. Cry it out. It's ok to feel crazy.

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You're so much more stronger than you think you are, just always remember that. The fact you had the courage to leave him should show you and him that you take your happiness seriously.

About the feeling alone, I can relate. It takes time to get used to being alone, and once you feel content with that it'll feel good. Remind yourself it's better to stay single than to be with a man who didn't know how to love you right.

I used to volunteer at a women's shelter and they offered many services, does the one you stay at provide services for depression treatment and such?

Also, you are still young. AT least by now you know what kind of man you do not want. There is no age limit when it comes to love.

It gets easier with time, but it's time to put your happiness first. This is what I am trying to do too.


Vent here, you are not alone. Cry it out. It's ok to feel crazy.


Thank you for the responds I think I'll be on this site a lot for awhile with just the way I'm feeling hope we can text more with each other

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You did the right thing ending it, OP.


Don't focus on getting a new relationship right now. Focus on your healing and be proud of the fact that you've just taken a big step forward for yourself by getting out of that situation.


Can you talk to someone at the women's shelter about your health concerns?

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