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Clubs..and girls..

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I'm 21, and just got out of a long term relationship. Looking to meet someone new. But whenever i go out, i dont have a problem making eye contact with girls. It's that i dont want to approach them, because i'm thinking that girls hate when guys come up and talk to them, bother them, etc.


Also, the calibur of girls out is kinda sketchy. Not really looking for a big time party girl, maybe i'm looking in all the wrong places...


What's a good way to approach a girl, say hello, and not look like a doof.

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true i think u r...lol but try talking to one girl when u go out and see if thats the reaction u get.. ifthen then find other places to go out and meet people and probably then u'll be able to meet someone.. also see wat interest u want in a girl and then think of the kind of place u'll find a girl like that...ok hope i was helpful.. best of luck

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There are interesting girls everywhere

If you go to university then on your campus. I have been asked out a few times in the library. I admit i found it a tiny bit creepy but just don't be so bold about it.

Don't worry, there are girls everywhere.

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If you are affraid of bothering girls by approaching them in clubs, thats something you have to get over. The idea is to be friendly, if you can be funny then by all means do that as well. You dont want to have an extended conversation with them, its more on a superficial level, this is why humor is always good, have a nice short light hearted conversation with a girl, and the most important thing you want for her to remember is your name (and for you to remember hers as well). Thats all you really want to do for that part of the evening, then if you see her later on in the night you can say goodbye or whatever you want to call it. Be confident in yourself and just have fun with it, if you take it too serious then you are going to get ahead of urself and that can deminish the amount of fun you have.

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