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Ex wants me back but I am so confused.

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Ok, I am going to start by saying this. I was in a relationship with my ex for 9 years. We have a beautiful child together who is about to turn 4 years old. We lived together for 3 years. She cut off the relationship about 10 months ago. I went through my depression stage but quickly picked myself up. During the time we have not been together I met this nice young lady. We have been dating for 7 months now. She is a wonderful girl. My ex and I remained friends all this time. We still hung out and even talked on the phone. While we were in a relationship she was wonderful to me. The reason she left me is because I cheated and during that time I neglected her.

Even when we parted I knew she still loved me but was hurt because I decieved her. I can't blame her for leaving me. Now the problem is I still love her deeply and she loves me. She calls me asking to work things out and I tell her I need time, plus I dont want to hurt the girl I am dating. I am so confused about what to do. Should I go back and hurt this girls feelings whom I have been dating for 7 months. Or do I walk away from my ex. My heart is still with my ex and that is the major problem. But I just don't want to hurt anybodys feelings. Plus I have a child by this girl, so it complicates things more.

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You said that your heart is still with you ex... between that and the kid as long as you are willing to comit to the girl and not stray then I say go back to her... on the other hand if you think that you may "stray" again then keep with this new girl. You've allready put your ex through enough.

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Leave aside the new girlfriend for a moment just answer these questions:


Why do you need time - what purpose will it serve?


Why were you not married?


Why did you find it necessary to cheat?


What would need to change in the relationship that would make it better than before and so you would not need or want to cheat?

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