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I fell in love with this girl, Abby, 3 years ago back in high school. We had been friends for a long time but she always had a boyfriend and I thought she was too good for me anyway! One day during football practice some of her friends came up to me and told me she liked me and that I should call her. Of course I didn't right away because I had a hard time believing she could ever see me like that. From that point on we became really close and I had fallen in love without meaning to! She was the sweetest most amazing person I had ever met. We became engaged one year after graduation, that's when things started to fall apart, I moved out on my own and started spending more time with the guys, I basically got comfortable and took her for granted. I knew things weren't as great as they used to be but I thought love and understanding could pull us through anything....I was wrong! She called on Easter and told me she wanted to end it. I didn't believe it at first, but she didn't call for the next week. Afterwards I found out she had started seeing one of my friends from high school, when I asked her about it she told me she was in love with him, one week after we split up! She will still take my calls and meet me occasionally, but I know deep down it's making it harder for me to get over all of this! I'm trying to understand if she really feels the way she says she does or if it is just her way of making the breakup easier to deal with. We have been thorugh so much together, almost two months later I still hold on to hope she will understand how I feel about her and let me back in her life! I'm so in love with her and I feel like I've lost my soulmate. What should I do?

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yikes man! thats bad. she is probably trying to make it seem like shes ok with the breakup or she dead serious. i just dont know what to tell you man. this is way too serious for a 16 yr old like me to handle i recommend gilgamesh or w/e his name is. he seems to have alot of answers. im so sorry. i wish i could help.

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