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Hello my name is Robert,


It all started a couple of weeks ago when my girlfriend at the time said she needed a break to get things done. That she wasn't accomplishing anything at the time. Then a couple of days ago she said that she thinks we should be more of friends. She mentioned that she has to find a job after she graduates and that during school she wouldn't have any time. She said that each and everyday she becomes closer to me and she doesn't want to become too attched in case she doesn't get a job in the same city or state. That she doesn't want me to do all the sacrificing, because then she wouldn't be a good girlfriend and that she doesn't want to take advantage of me. She says that she still loves me, cares about me, and that I was the best boyfriend she ever had. She wants me to hang out with her a week after the break up. I wanted to ask you a coupel of questions concerning this information. If you love some one wouldn't you find time even if it was a couple hours a week? Do you think she needs time and space to resolve the things she needs to get done? Do you think she is confused? Do you think there is a possibility to get back with her? If so how? I really love her a lot, care about her, she makes me happy, and she gave me a sense that was my true love. She says the same things to me when we talk, but the conversations have been short. Why is that? I like to get your insight based on this information. I just want to get her back, but I think she needs time and space to get her mind straight to get things accomplished that she needs to do. Any tips to win her back? I look forward to your response.

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ok. shes probably confused about her decision. she obviously still cares as much for you as before. umm...theres always a chance for you to get her back. but for now, id respect her wishes until she gets stuff sorted out. its obvious that you love her. and yea, when you love someone you always have time for them no matter what! hope this helps i have to go. dont give up man. too many ppl do and they lose their one and only love. hope it works out.

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