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sacrastic comments


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ok do women or ppl in general like sacrastic jokes here is an example.


john-i have a friend who has 3 tests in one day

me-wow luckly guy hey

john-wowo the story we have to read this week is long hey-(its actually 10 pages story)

me-yea they should have made a novel out of it


we are in the parking lot and i can't find my car i get worried-i make a commnet ah who cares i got insurance it'll just buy a new car ah that what insurance is for right.


the bus these days are so slow i bet i could run faster than the bus

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Unfortunately, not everyone likes a smart-a**. As long as you understand that not everyone is going to get your sense of humor or think your remarks are funny, go right ahead. If you find yourself dealing with someone who doesn't find it funny, be polite and try to tone it down a bit.


The only thing I would caution about is your intention. If your intent is making what you believe to be a funny remark, you're fine. However, if your intent is to hurt someone, you need to check yourself and keep your mouth shut.


There's a fine line between "mean" and "funny"....just make sure you stay on the "funny" side of it, and be quick to apologize if you cross the line.


-speaking from nearly 40 years of experience being a smart-a**

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what does tackly mean.


a couple more of my comments

we are in the classroom and a ambulance or firetruck sirens are ringing- myself and the ppl i am with don't see its a ambulance or firetruck yet -but i say "oh no they're comin to get me"

joey-says for what

me-hmmm i don;t now with a grin -and then later i might laugh to myself


another comment to a women i am attractd to she walks by i say "ah damn yeaaa" would that work-then later i might laugh to myself


i am wearing a muscle tees i flex my biceps em and say ah hey guys which one do u think is bigger and then laugh after i say my comment


so u work at xxxxxx yea they hire all the cute gurls there.


"ah i knew it a beautiful women like u could never be singel what was i thnking" this is after i ask her if she has a bf-is this a good flirting line


a girl classmate offers me a bag of wethers orginals,but doesn't excpet me to take the whole bag of it just one candy,-i say "ah thanks all for me hey" ahahhahahhahahahahh then later after the laughing i say jsut kidding hahahhaha


what do gals or ppl think of a guy that says comments and then later laughs at his jokes or comments, but no all the time ,just to the comments and jokes he thinks is funny-not sure if the person listeining to it is funy.

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LOL...keep your senses of humor guys....that`s what makes life worth living, even if you are the only person who seems to "get it"...someday, trust me, you`ll meet someone who finds the same things funny and you`ll have a friend for life.


I acquired a hearty appreciation for sarcasm from my high school English teacher (hi, Ms Martin!!)...I`ll never forget one day in class when we were reading a poem and a wannabe A-student raised his hand and said "Hey, Ms Martin...I was thinking...are some of the phrases in this poem perhaps similes or metaphors, allowing us to view a subtext beyond the written text and perhaps apply our own unique interpretations? What springs to your mind, for example?" She said "One hyphenated noun: brown-noser."


One time I unearthed a copy of an ancient "school guidelines" pamphlet. Among other things guidelines that were absolutely impossible to extraopolate from my actual day-to-day experience of the school, I found "Teachers shall refrain from inappropriate sarcasm." Ms Martin read it and said "No problem. That means that we`ll be having a lot more sarcasm around here, since we just need to make sure it`s appropriate. Of course it is. That`s the point."


Sarcasm is my friend.

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Joe, I don't think you're being sarcastic necessarily, just making jokes. There's nothing wrong with that!


Just make sure it's not the only thing you do. I mean, if someone's always looking to make a joke, that sometimes comes off as a "shtick." Basically, gets annoying. But if it's just now and then, that's cool. Everyone likes to laugh.

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I'm a very sarcastic person too -- I love it when I meet other sarcastic people, because we all just tend to 'get' eachother and develop more inside jokes and just generally get along better.. sort of into the same sort of humour? I dunno. XD (One of the reasons I like the guy I like at the moment too -- hes like a male version of me! rofl)


There are some bums who take everything too seriously.. It helps to be able to figure out if someone is like that or not before you accidentally offend them.. But if someone can't take a little joke, really, just apologise and move on


Nothing wrong with laughing at your own 'jokes' either -- one of my friends says all these things that, if someone else said them I probably wouldn't find them all that amusing but because she just starts laughing so hard, its hilarious. XD Easiest way to make someone else laugh is to start laughing yourself, I think.. it can be contagious


^-- probably not a good idea if you're trying to become a stand up comedian or something like that, though.. that would just be quite sad. XD

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