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This situation I'm in


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Long story short:

Best friend for 7 years started having feelings for me, so he started flirting a lot more and showing signs he wanted more. I obviously started avoiding him unsure of my own feelings. The last time we met, he said he just wanted to have fun and not looking for anything serious.

I got really upset and asked him to stop the flirting. I mean i would have considered if we had just told me he wanted to see where it goes but he made it very sleazy...


He got angry and didn't talk to me for 4-5 months, ignoring my texts...it was extremely hurtful. The next time I met him, he's already dating this beautiful girl..and he's like I'm sorry I messed up, let's be friends again...


What would you do if you were in my place?

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Well, you hurt his feelings when you turned him down and then he was embarrassed that you rejected him and he hid and found a new girlfriend. He might miss you and make contact again, but I think you should consider it a break up. He's probably had feelings for you for years but didn't act on it for fear of ruining the friendship. So he made a move, got shot down and moved on. You probably should move on too.

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