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Something was missing :/ just venting


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Something felt incomplete whenever I was with him. I felt like there should’ve been more of a pull towards him than there was. He was very insecure due to past relationships and needed validation on many things. He’d periodically get worried I didn’t find him attractive or even wanted him. But I’m a naturally shy person when it comes to feelings. It’s even harder for me to express deeper emotions in a relationship without really knowing the person.


At the end of the day, I felt like the bad outweighed the good. It’s not supposed to be overwhelming in the beginning but it undeniably was. It was a hard decision to come to because I don’t like being alone but breaking up with him was the right thing to do. He deserves someone who will not make him question their feelings and who will tell him just how loved he is unasked. I wasn’t that person and I think we’ll both be okay if we remember that.

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Something felt incomplete whenever I was with him. I felt like there should’ve been more of a pull towards him than there was. He was very insecure due to past relationships and needed validation on many things. He’d periodically get worried I didn’t find him attractive or even wanted him. But I’m a naturally shy person when it comes to feelings. It’s even harder for me to express deeper emotions in a relationship without really knowing the person.


At the end of the day, I felt like the bad outweighed the good. It’s not supposed to be overwhelming in the beginning but it undeniably was. It was a hard decision to come to because I don’t like being alone but breaking up with him was the right thing to do. He deserves someone who will not make him question their feelings and who will tell him just how loved he is unasked. I wasn’t that person and I think we’ll both be okay if we remember that.


I can very much relate. Except that I think I am your ex. And I had to end it. It sucks. But we need to think about big picture. Whenever I get sad or angry I just keep saying big picture. Big picture!!!

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