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I've been going out with this girl from my class for a few months now, we haven't exactly done any kissing, and i have a feeling its coming up soon (actually i can almost guarantee tomorrow because she said she wanted to be alone in school during lunch tomorrow). I'm a little nervous because i'm afraid that i will mess up. anybody have any adivce to help me be less nervous other than "dont stress out or get nervous" because i could figure that one out myself. I've never kissed before and i dont think she has either, so i have this funny feeling that it will be a wreck so does anyone out there have any advice for me that they can remember from their first kiss?


any help would be greatly appreciated

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Think of how they do it on TV or movies and go with the flow. Your screwed at about this point, so just go with the flow. If you screw up just admit your a bad kisser and that you've never done it before and you're in-experienced. She'll probably want to teach you so you get to kiss her even more...now how can that be bad? lol

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Well, it's most likely right and your freaking-out, calm down, take some deep breaths, don't worry about it. Dude she likes you, she doesn't care if you suck, as long as she has her tongue in her your mouth she probably doesn't care! lol. But it's also true that her first kiss with her bf tells her everything she needs to know about the relationship. , So I guess that's bad for you.

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well now, that certainly made me feel more confident


i think the main problem is that im a little shy. we both have strong feeling for each other, and i can almost guarantee that she wouldnt completely ignore me forever if it doesnt exactly go the right way, but i just want to keep myself from having an awkward moment

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I remember being nervous before my first and I remember thinking "what the heck was I nervous about?" This sort of thing comes quite naturally. With the exception of slobbering all over the girls face, there's practically nothing you can do to screw up. Do your best to relax.

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i know im kinda shy but i think she is too so thats why i dont think everything will come so naturally. i dont know how intimate she wants to be but mehbeh i'll find out. i just don't to end up getting caught up in the moment and then over doing it but i dont think i'll end up doing that


and im over thinking this

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Hey Yoyo


If you've already kissed her, how'd it go dude? If not don't worry… if you're a bit nervous that just adds to the magic of the whole thing. Just remember it takes 2 to kiss. She's not a judge in some kissing contest and she's not gonna be holding up score cards after you've finished, she's probably just as nervous as you are.


Just take it slow and build up to it, you could start by just kissin her on the lips a few times and see how that goes before you go for the full on passionate snog. Just let it happen, don't force anything and don't immediately stick your tongue in there and start swirlin it round like a washing machine on spin cycle ok.



And yeah try not to think too much...good advise ShySoul!...Spoken like a guy who really knows what he's talking about! …so come on dish it… you sly old fox! How's it going with your 1st ever potential girlfriend, last thing I heard you'd never kissed a girl before…things must be hottin up yeah!?



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Other pointers: Try a kiss on the check first. It sets the stage and is an innocent first step that could relieve any nervousness. Try holding her hand and looking in her eyes first. It creates atmosphere. You don't want to just rush into it, you want to be able to savor the moment. But above all else stay calm and enjoy.


Sli, what? I'm not one to kiss and tell. Things could be hotter then a firecracker on the 4th of July or it could be colder then the polar ice caps. All will be revealed in time.

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