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I dont know what to do about my relationship


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So I signed a lease with my boyfriend a couple months ago and we've been together a little less than 6 months. My boyfriend is kind, sensitive, smart, loving, caring and treats me like a princess. But for the past month or so I have been feeling completely miserable in this relationship. It was like one day a switch turned off. I don't want to be intimate with him, it's like I don't even want him to touch me. I could not for the life of me figure out why I was feeling this way, when he is such a good person and good boyfriend. I have been praying so hard for answers because it kills me to feel this way for someone who I love so dearly and who loves me. However, the other day I realized something-my boyfriend is actually kind of a jerk . We were having a conversation in regards to a mutual friend and he said something that doesn't even seem that significant but I just started thinking about how he always has little jabs, is an eternal pessimist and just doesnt seem to have a good control of his emotions at times. Today we had a heart to heart in regards to this and he said he would try and change. I know that I have faults, too-many, that I could work on. Here is my problem: I am not 100% sure I want to stay in this relationship regardless. I do love him, but in the grand scheme of things i just dont see us going the distance. But I feel like if I dump him I will regret not trying harder and not giving him a chance to change. Because maybe on a subconcious level, his attitude was what was driving me to feel that way. It's kinda like: should I give this another chance or am I unfairly setting us both up for a losing battle? I am so confused. I have been praying so hard for an answer.

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i recently went through a breakup with my boyfriend of 10 months. towards the end of our relationship (the last 2-3 months) i felt the same exact way... i didn’t want him to kiss me or cuddle, etc. as time weeks went on i was becoming more and more miserable because i thought i was the problem, it turns out i just lost feelings. trust me when i say this, you’ll be much happier if you let him go.

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