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ERRRRRRRR THAT CAME FROM ME(please reply i neeeeed help!!!!)

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im really freeked out because i have started my period at least thats what i think and the blood is really really thick and black and its horrible i am thinking everone around me knows about it and i feel ashamed i can not be myself can i be me ever again!!! i think im ready for sex aswell but now ive started what shall i do about that? BUT there is this one boy who i think i should do it with he's a mate but i recon hes out of my leage we touch each ova and dat but messin round i wish he would take it seroiusly!!!! WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

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You will be fine, getting your period is just another part of life! As for having sex with this guy, do you want to? Or are you just curious about the act of sex, if thats it I would say wait until you find someone you care about.

okay i will wait but at the momment i feel so horrid how can i feeel better? i KNOW im ready but its just when i find the right guy!!! i feel so disgusting and weird i need to feel better about this!!!

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One, you should not have sex just because you think you "should". You are very very young, and I really don't think you can handle the implications (emotional and physical) that sex can bring along. No birth control/STD protection is 100%, and no one can guarantee you will not be terribly hurt emotionally either.


And with this reaction to your period I can definitely say you should wait. People regret sex too early, rarely do I hear people regret waiting. Wait for someone special, who cares about you deeply and you them.


As for the period. It is normal. Females menstruate for a very large portion of their life. You will get it regularly (likely once your body adapts and settles itself out every month) so you better learn to get used to it...lol. It's not that bad at all, adn certainly not weird given that it is a natural process for women to go through.


I suggest doing some reading on health/sexuality and menstruation.

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for a start your only 13 , dont want to sound boring but your not yet legal to have sex, i think you should wait till the legal age, there is no reason to hurry and rush into having sex, its a big step and you have to be emotionally ready

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okay just wanted to say:


1. Rainy, like i'm not trying to be mean or anything it's just that almost NO ONE waits till they are 18.


2.I know how you feel, it's disgusting and all but you'll get over it.


3. As for having sex, some people think that they should wait for who they like the most and some just do it so they don't get attached. Just be careful and DON"T GET PREGNANT!


4. It hurts the first time you have sex and if you don't want pain...

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yes you are only 13 and although you might be havin these feelings now, ull regret it wen u do it, trust me, i dont know you but im almost certain u will feel that way.......i lost mine wen i was 17.......so not everyone does it b4 they are of age. also, sum1 sed it hurts the first time......this is wrong......the feeling is different 4 different women......it didnt hurt me at all, i just bled.....sum mates have sed it hurts like hell and others didnt bleed at all. as 4 the mentruation......i was 11 wen i started......i hated it at 1st, i thought i was so young to be starting but soon i found lots of my mates had dun already nd i was actually late, it was a relief. if uve got a mate that ur really close 2 confide in her bout how u feel or y not talk 2 ur mum bout it.

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I think as we get older we forget what it feels like to be "young" and I often find myself advising others to do differently than I did to keep them out of trouble or heartach, so please dont be offended by ppl here making "your too young" comments, we were all your age at once and maybe we're a bit jealous of the years you have ahead of you, and also alittle scared for you because we know what those years are like.


Also I remember when I was 12 and my two best friends were 13 they both had their periods and I hadn't gotten mine yet, they were fooling around with boys and I wasnt doing much of that but I remember them telling me "you are so lucky, you should have sex before you get your period, cause you cant get pregnant" and on thinking back on them saying that I get a shiver down my spine thinking about how stupid their "thoughts" were.


And I can happily say I didnt have sex then, but when I did I was still very young 14, and I think my body wasnt ready because after having sex with my "first love" I went home and peed blood for almost 24 hours, until my (grife stricken) mother took me to the doctor, who admitted me into the hospital for 3 days 2 nights, the doctors never completely figured out what had gone wrong, and the only thing I knew was that it was very painful. Oh and here is the kicker, while I was going through all of this my "first love" wouldnt take my calls, and he never came to see me. I will never forget that ordeal.

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I know how you feel but it's best to wait until you're older. Don't let every one else pressure you into haveing sex. I'm about to turn 18 and I've never had sex before and this is fine because most of my friends have had sex and a few have become pregnate and they where still in school. It's very hard for them. Besides you can get several diffrent illnesses and infections from sex that you may not be ready to deal with. You're only 13 so you have plenty of time to get married and have sex don't rush it. As for menstration it's perfectly normal but you may want to watch for signs of problems. Black blood can be the sign of a problem. A good idea may be to wait until you've found the one that you want to spend the rest of you're life with. Don't just have sex with anyone for you can't really know them until you've talked to them outside of school for awhile. It is however Best to WAIT. You don't want to make the mistake of haveing sex before you're ready for you're first time only happens once.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We're not trying to hurt you by saying you are too young to have sex. It's just that the older you get the more you see and the more you realise how stupid you were at some younger age (I'm sure I'll be talking about how stupid I was at 18 when I'm 30). It's just that we don't want you to get hurt physically, emotional or anyway. We don't want you to make a bad mistake and get pregnant or get sick. We care about you even if we don't know you. If you're freaked out by a period, you probably aren't ready for sex. Goodluck with everything.

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Hey girl,


Getting your first period can be really a big change in your life. For most of us galls it is the biggest change at that point in life. I was only 10 years old when I got mine, and it felt really weird. I felt gross but also proud, and I was so relieved that it also meant I wouldn't grow as much as I did in the years before


Just keep in mind that this does not mean you should have babies or start having sex or anything like that! I always believed that your body needs some time to 'train', and the first years of puberty are certainly meant for that.


So, take a breath and try to just do the things you are used doing. It's a change, but you are still you.


If you are in pain, a warm bath will be a relief. Sleeping with a warmwater-thing or electric pillow of some sort will also work calming on the cramps.


If you are 'grossed' out by the blood, make sure you always carry a clean set of underwear with you, and the towels/tampons (I assume you use the towels). It can help to use a special washing foam for the female area; we call it Lactacyd. Don't use soap, however!


Oh, and by the way, having your period is the best excuse a woman has to eat a lot of chocolate


Don't worry.


Take care,



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