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Months after break up I found that my ex had already cheated on me long ago, now I have trust issues


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On the 13th of April this year (2017) by relationship with my girlfriend came to an end. She told me that she was straight, and this was during a phase where I thought I was a boy, but she said she didn't want a trans lover, she wanted a real man to love. I said to her that I felt that the spark had died out and the relationship ended quite nicely. To this day we are still very close friends and she has helped me through times when I've felt rejected by others I've liked and depressed because of being single while others are in happy relationships. I thought we were both being honest with each other, but recently I have discovered that I was wrong.


There's a man who my ex introduced me to over a year ago, and back then I remember becoming jealous and worried. I even wrote a short story about my worries (which contained obvious hints at something I'm about to talk about now), since I had to move to a different country (Switzerland from England) last year at the end of summer while leaving her in college with this man she was very close to and who had a crush on her. There was even a point in our relationship where our spark was dying, but my ex had said that I was the one lacking affection. I approached a friend of mine who told me that, because someone else was showing more affection than me, my girlfriend-at-the-time was comparing me to the man who may have been a better lover for her. I even found a notebook she had tried to hide from me which contained her own story which I believe was about herself - it told the story of a girl named Indecisive who had to choose between two boys, one who was very stubborn. I asked her about this story but she passed it off as nothing - part of me wonders if she wanted me to find this notebook to get the hint that she wanted to break up with me. This was in February 2016.


I went on a college taster day (I reckon this was in January 2016, maybe even December 2015) and met the man for the first time (let's call him Dimitri). Didn't particularly think anything of him, really, he was just a guy who I barely knew. I had classes that day, and at one point, when I only had five minutes to get to my next class, I chose to go the lounge area where my ex (let's call her May) and her friends would hang out. I caught her with her legs over Dimitri's lap. She was snuggling into him, too. So I snuck up on her and took her jacket playfully to get her attention, but she didn't notice me until her friends awkwardly pointed out that I was there. She looked like she had been caught at a crime scene. She had also pecked Dimitri on the cheek a few times in front of me. I confronted her about this and said that I didn't like how she was showing so much affection to this man, but she grew defensive and said that I couldn't control who she was friends with. That was another hint that led me to believe she was going to leave me. So, after these events, I wrote my story down on the 17th of February 2016, just two days after May's birthday after the sleepover where I discovered her notebook.


At some point later on in the relationship, possibly late 2016 or early 2017, I told her that I was cautious of Dimitri. I brought this to attention because she hadn't mentioned him for a while, then suddenly she decided to start adding him to our Skype calls. At first I was fine with it as I often accepted my friends adding their own friends to calls to play games and stuff, but I didn't expect him to linger. He became very clingy too fast, and he was rather perverted. May had told me that I shouldn't worry about him because he no longer liked her, instead he liked a girl from his English class. He would message me and say things like "I feel like the third wheel" because I spoke to May more than him. He'd tell me that he was jealous that May had someone like me. I do recall him repeatedly saying that he didn't want to interfere with mine and May's relationship, but that's exactly what he did, for it was only a few months later that May called me and said it was over.


Immediately I suspected the Dimitri would have played a part in the break-up, but May implied that they were just friends and that Dimitri had moved on from liking her. I took her word for it and we continued our Skype calls as normal. Whenever she left me and Dimitri alone I would just sit there awkwardly as he rambled on about whatever. Sometimes he'd just start saying things like "me and you should do this" and stuff, but I never wanted to do anything with him. I still barely knew him. He was May's friend who joined our Skype calls, not my best friend. Yet he would still tell me that he felt like the third wheel, and I had to put my foot down and remind him that I had known May for much longer and that through secondary school we both had to protect each other from the students who simply wanted to hurt us, mentally or physically. We only really had each other, aside from a few other friends. As for Dimitri, I didn't know him at all. And I didn't want to get to know him too personally. I've tried to be friends with him for over a year, but we never "clicked". There's no reason for me to be friends with him.


Of course, after the break-up I was a mess. The next day I went to a pop culture convention with my friend and I just wasn't with it at all. Every time he talked about his favourite anime ship (two people who share Dimitri and May's real names) I kept growing angry and frustrated because naturally I was certain that Dimitri was going to be May's next lover. I returned to England and told a friend of mine (who I'll call Crimson) of what had happened and how I suspected Dimitri and May would get together. He laughed nervously and told me that they weren't hiding anything. I brushed the comment off.


In July I confronted May again. We were supposed to have a sleepover at my place, but then Dimitri jumped on the bandwagon. He'd nag me about the sleepover and I wouldn't answer, and she would tell me that he wanted details. I opened up to her and told her that I didn't feel comfortable having him in my house. I didn't want him to know where I lived. So she agreed on the mutual lie that my mother didn't want boys in the house, but after hearing that Dimitri seemed fixed on this idea of impressing my mum so that he could eventually stay over. Instead we slept over at May's house, and I prayed for her to sleep in the same room as me so that I wasn't left alone with Dimitri. At this point I was concerned that he possibly had an interest in me due to his apparent lack of interest in May and his clingy comments.


The sleepover wasn't the only thing I had confronted May about. I told her that I felt like her and Dimitri ganged up on me. I told her that he had upset me a few times and said things which bugged me. For example, one day I came home from school and found that my room was infested with cluster flies. I couldn't go in there to get my phone or computer because my mum had told me to stay out, but I insisted that I should go back inside. So we spent some time swatting these flies one by one - I reckon we killed over forty of them. Some were still flying around my room, of course. At the time I was terrified - I had just brought home some old books from the school library that were being given away; to come back to my room and see around twenty flies sat in a cluster on my wall while others were on bits of furniture really worried me. Something could've died in my room. Heck, I may have started to believe in ancient curses due to those old books. But luckily I found out they were only cluster flies which had come from the utility room. I came onto Skype despite being told to keep out of my room and I explained my situation. Dimitri was in a bad mood and left the call because it was technically his bed time (I'm an hour ahead of their time zone so often I'm not too sure if I'm on too early or too late). May told me that Dimitri was annoyed that I came on late, so I angrily told her that I couldn't predict a fly infestation. She doubted that I was being honest, and that really hurt me. So I sent an apology to Dimitri about coming on late, even though a Skype call shouldn't be a big deal (usually these calls were to keep me company due to living abroad - Dimitri and May see each other almost every day), and Dimitri replied by telling me that he felt betrayed. That was one thing that had bothered me: the fact that I had to apologize for something that wasn't my fault.


The second issue I raised was the ganging up one - I had been watching videos about dog meat in China and, being an animal lover and major dog lover, I was upset so told May about how I felt after seeing dog meat preparation (I don't eat meat, only fish). She said that she would be fine eating dog meat, and Dimitri agreed. If we were in a call alone she wouldn't have been this opposed to my opinion. But Dimitri took it a step further. He asked me if I wanted to hear about a story about how Russians used dogs as explosives back in the war, and I firmly told him "No". He laughed and proceeded to tell me, and I had tears in my eyes. I have a dog who I love and I had just watched an upsetting video about dogs being tortured for meat. Why would I want to hear about dogs being blown up during a war? May told Dimitri I was annoyed about this, and she apologized for all the incidents of ganging up (basically where they would both disagree with me and make me feel awkward, along with insulting me at times while she would throw fluffy compliments at "cute little Dimitri"). She took it easy on me after that, but I don't think she got the main hint: I hated Dimitri.


A few months ago I had my 18th birthday. May wanted to see me, so we planned a sleepover. Once again, Dimitri jumped on the bandwagon so it was hosted at May's house again. This sleepover really bugged me - he had made me a gift, which I liked, but he acted like I wasn't interested in it or that I was ungrateful. I was grateful, I just didn't need every tiny little detail of it explaining to me. At the end of the day, he printed off a bit of paper with some words he had written on it. It was lovely but nothing that I needed a ten minute lecture about. Then, during the evening, I became cold. I was only wearing a crop top and tight leather pants (which I liked and which were new). I'm not sure what other people do when they're cold but I kind of rubbed my thighs. Dimitri was telling me repeatedly to stop doing it because it was distracting. Then, while we played card games quietly, he would randomly speak up and say comments out of the blue like "You know, those pants were obviously made by a man to sexualize the female figure". What was I supposed to say to that? We were playing Yu-Gi-Oh!, not talking about each other's clothing. Not to mention I still didn't feel that we were close enough to discuss sexual things. Then finally, later that night, May fell asleep and, due to the angle she was sleeping at (we shared the couch), she kicked me in the crotch in her sleep. Dimitri laughed and at first I was amused as the next morning we'd tell May that her feet had a mind of their own and that they were "rapists", but now, long after this sleep over, Dimitri keeps telling me that "he'd love to see me get toe-f'ed again" and that he "enjoyed watching it". That made me seriously uncomfortable and I started to lose my patience with him.


There are more things he has done to upset me, but it's about time I discussed the REAL issue at hand. So recently a boy, who I'll call Jak, began joining our calls (I'm the one who suggested he could join since May had told me a lot about him and I thought he sounded cool, plus three was an awkward number, especially with Dimitri). Jak and I immediately got along after one call, and even when May left us we would talk for hours and play games. The sexual humour between us was different to the "humour" Dimitri had with the topic. At some point during one recent call, however, he slipped out that Dimitri and May were dating and had been for a while. I messaged May asking her if this was true, and she said that it was but she didn't want to tell me because I was "insecure about being single". I didn't talk to her for a week out of anger. I felt betrayed. I spoke to Jak about the issues since he and I both do not like Dimitri, so I just let everything out along with my rage. I saw it like this: May forced me to befriend the boy she was going to dump me for so that I hated him less.


But things are just getting worse. I was on a call tonight with Crimson and another friend. The other friend, who has been out with May and I once, said that she sounded like a really horrible person at heart. Crimson, who knows May quite well, said that May must have started dating Dimitri during the start of college and that she made no attempt to keep it secret from anyone there. We were still dating when she started college, and I trust Crimson's words.


I have now put all the pieces of the puzzle together, and they just made me hate Dimitri more and now I've lost trust with everyone. May was one of my closest friends who I told all my problems to, and knowing that she planned to leave me for Dimitri just hurts even more. I would've been happier if she had broke up with me honestly, not slyly planned to go from me to him while leaving me alone with nobody to fall back to. I have since cut all contact with Dimitri, blocking him on Facebook, Skype and Steam. I want nothing to do with him - I hated him when I believed he was just a friend of May's but knowing that he was her boyfriend made me hate him even more. Not out of jealousy but out of disgust. He's a perverted man. He's creepy. He's not that nice. I once watched him hit May with his phone out of anger, but May just goes along with his bad temper. I hate him. For May to go from me, someone who stayed loyal to the end, to him, someone who is perverted and pity-gathering, makes me so mad. It annoys me that someone like him has someone like her; how did he get somebody before me? And all of that "third-wheel" crap... It was me who had been the true third wheel all along, always being invited out with them out of pity.


And now here I am, clenching my fists as I hear more and more from other friends about what May has done behind my back. How she kissed Dimitri. How she snuggled with Dimitri. How she always went to Dimitri's house. How she lay her legs on Dimitri. How she openly flirted with Dimitri. She recently showed me a picture of her and Dimitri alone in a cinema. I don't want to imagine what that man would do to her. I hate him and I'm glad I cut all contact with him.


Oh, the final straw for me with him was when Jak told me that basically he told him about all of my kinks, if you know what I mean. Jak had asked Dimitri if May knew about his furry interests, and he said yes, but then he proceeded to tell Jak what May and I used to do together, what May was into, what I was into and he even showed him a picture he sent to May to humiliate her if she was "bad". Jak luckily had a go at him and defended whatever honour I have left after being used and thrown away.


So... now I have major trust issues. Every time I talk to May, who I have known for about four or five years, I don't feel close to her at all. I feel like I'm talking to someone who is a skilled liar. I despise Dimitri, who I have cut contact with (though May is yet to realize this, it seems, since she thinks I'm very close to him). I have recently contacted old friends and I have also dropped out of my final year of school to restart home studies due to some backstabbing problems there, too.


I just feel played with. I feel used. Broken. I feel like I've let May walk all over me and then generously let Dimitri, the man who stole her from me, into my life. I let him in because I wanted May to be happy, but in doing so I have ruined myself.


Is there anyone out there who feels the same? Is there anyone out there who was at the end of their tether? Does anyone else understand what this is like - to try so hard to be loyal, only to realize that your loyalty never mattered?

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On the 13th of April this year (2017) by relationship with my girlfriend came to an end. She told me that she was straight, and this was during a phase where I thought I was a boy, but she said she didn't want a trans lover, she wanted a real man to love. I said to her that I felt that the spark had died out and the relationship ended quite nicely. To this day we are still very close friends and she has helped me through times when I've felt rejected by others I've liked and depressed because of being single while others are in happy relationships. I thought we were both being honest with each other, but recently I have discovered that I was wrong.


There's a man who my ex introduced me to over a year ago, and back then I remember becoming jealous and worried. I even wrote a short story about my worries (which contained obvious hints at something I'm about to talk about now), since I had to move to a different country (Switzerland from England) last year at the end of summer while leaving her in college with this man she was very close to and who had a crush on her. There was even a point in our relationship where our spark was dying, but my ex had said that I was the one lacking affection. I approached a friend of mine who told me that, because someone else was showing more affection than me, my girlfriend-at-the-time was comparing me to the man who may have been a better lover for her. I even found a notebook she had tried to hide from me which contained her own story which I believe was about herself - it told the story of a girl named Indecisive who had to choose between two boys, one who was very stubborn. I asked her about this story but she passed it off as nothing - part of me wonders if she wanted me to find this notebook to get the hint that she wanted to break up with me. This was in February 2016.


I went on a college taster day (I reckon this was in January 2016, maybe even December 2015) and met the man for the first time (let's call him Dimitri). Didn't particularly think anything of him, really, he was just a guy who I barely knew. I had classes that day, and at one point, when I only had five minutes to get to my next class, I chose to go the lounge area where my ex (let's call her May) and her friends would hang out. I caught her with her legs over Dimitri's lap. She was snuggling into him, too. So I snuck up on her and took her jacket playfully to get her attention, but she didn't notice me until her friends awkwardly pointed out that I was there. She looked like she had been caught at a crime scene. She had also pecked Dimitri on the cheek a few times in front of me. I confronted her about this and said that I didn't like how she was showing so much affection to this man, but she grew defensive and said that I couldn't control who she was friends with. That was another hint that led me to believe she was going to leave me. So, after these events, I wrote my story down on the 17th of February 2016, just two days after May's birthday after the sleepover where I discovered her notebook.


At some point later on in the relationship, possibly late 2016 or early 2017, I told her that I was cautious of Dimitri. I brought this to attention because she hadn't mentioned him for a while, then suddenly she decided to start adding him to our Skype calls. At first I was fine with it as I often accepted my friends adding their own friends to calls to play games and stuff, but I didn't expect him to linger. He became very clingy too fast, and he was rather perverted. May had told me that I shouldn't worry about him because he no longer liked her, instead he liked a girl from his English class. He would message me and say things like "I feel like the third wheel" because I spoke to May more than him. He'd tell me that he was jealous that May had someone like me. I do recall him repeatedly saying that he didn't want to interfere with mine and May's relationship, but that's exactly what he did, for it was only a few months later that May called me and said it was over.


Immediately I suspected the Dimitri would have played a part in the break-up, but May implied that they were just friends and that Dimitri had moved on from liking her. I took her word for it and we continued our Skype calls as normal. Whenever she left me and Dimitri alone I would just sit there awkwardly as he rambled on about whatever. Sometimes he'd just start saying things like "me and you should do this" and stuff, but I never wanted to do anything with him. I still barely knew him. He was May's friend who joined our Skype calls, not my best friend. Yet he would still tell me that he felt like the third wheel, and I had to put my foot down and remind him that I had known May for much longer and that through secondary school we both had to protect each other from the students who simply wanted to hurt us, mentally or physically. We only really had each other, aside from a few other friends. As for Dimitri, I didn't know him at all. And I didn't want to get to know him too personally. I've tried to be friends with him for over a year, but we never "clicked". There's no reason for me to be friends with him.


Of course, after the break-up I was a mess. The next day I went to a pop culture convention with my friend and I just wasn't with it at all. Every time he talked about his favourite anime ship (two people who share Dimitri and May's real names) I kept growing angry and frustrated because naturally I was certain that Dimitri was going to be May's next lover. I returned to England and told a friend of mine (who I'll call Crimson) of what had happened and how I suspected Dimitri and May would get together. He laughed nervously and told me that they weren't hiding anything. I brushed the comment off.


In July I confronted May again. We were supposed to have a sleepover at my place, but then Dimitri jumped on the bandwagon. He'd nag me about the sleepover and I wouldn't answer, and she would tell me that he wanted details. I opened up to her and told her that I didn't feel comfortable having him in my house. I didn't want him to know where I lived. So she agreed on the mutual lie that my mother didn't want boys in the house, but after hearing that Dimitri seemed fixed on this idea of impressing my mum so that he could eventually stay over. Instead we slept over at May's house, and I prayed for her to sleep in the same room as me so that I wasn't left alone with Dimitri. At this point I was concerned that he possibly had an interest in me due to his apparent lack of interest in May and his clingy comments.


The sleepover wasn't the only thing I had confronted May about. I told her that I felt like her and Dimitri ganged up on me. I told her that he had upset me a few times and said things which bugged me. For example, one day I came home from school and found that my room was infested with cluster flies. I couldn't go in there to get my phone or computer because my mum had told me to stay out, but I insisted that I should go back inside. So we spent some time swatting these flies one by one - I reckon we killed over forty of them. Some were still flying around my room, of course. At the time I was terrified - I had just brought home some old books from the school library that were being given away; to come back to my room and see around twenty flies sat in a cluster on my wall while others were on bits of furniture really worried me. Something could've died in my room. Heck, I may have started to believe in ancient curses due to those old books. But luckily I found out they were only cluster flies which had come from the utility room. I came onto Skype despite being told to keep out of my room and I explained my situation. Dimitri was in a bad mood and left the call because it was technically his bed time (I'm an hour ahead of their time zone so often I'm not too sure if I'm on too early or too late). May told me that Dimitri was annoyed that I came on late, so I angrily told her that I couldn't predict a fly infestation. She doubted that I was being honest, and that really hurt me. So I sent an apology to Dimitri about coming on late, even though a Skype call shouldn't be a big deal (usually these calls were to keep me company due to living abroad - Dimitri and May see each other almost every day), and Dimitri replied by telling me that he felt betrayed. That was one thing that had bothered me: the fact that I had to apologize for something that wasn't my fault.


The second issue I raised was the ganging up one - I had been watching videos about dog meat in China and, being an animal lover and major dog lover, I was upset so told May about how I felt after seeing dog meat preparation (I don't eat meat, only fish). She said that she would be fine eating dog meat, and Dimitri agreed. If we were in a call alone she wouldn't have been this opposed to my opinion. But Dimitri took it a step further. He asked me if I wanted to hear about a story about how Russians used dogs as explosives back in the war, and I firmly told him "No". He laughed and proceeded to tell me, and I had tears in my eyes. I have a dog who I love and I had just watched an upsetting video about dogs being tortured for meat. Why would I want to hear about dogs being blown up during a war? May told Dimitri I was annoyed about this, and she apologized for all the incidents of ganging up (basically where they would both disagree with me and make me feel awkward, along with insulting me at times while she would throw fluffy compliments at "cute little Dimitri"). She took it easy on me after that, but I don't think she got the main hint: I hated Dimitri.


A few months ago I had my 18th birthday. May wanted to see me, so we planned a sleepover. Once again, Dimitri jumped on the bandwagon so it was hosted at May's house again. This sleepover really bugged me - he had made me a gift, which I liked, but he acted like I wasn't interested in it or that I was ungrateful. I was grateful, I just didn't need every tiny little detail of it explaining to me. At the end of the day, he printed off a bit of paper with some words he had written on it. It was lovely but nothing that I needed a ten minute lecture about. Then, during the evening, I became cold. I was only wearing a crop top and tight leather pants (which I liked and which were new). I'm not sure what other people do when they're cold but I kind of rubbed my thighs. Dimitri was telling me repeatedly to stop doing it because it was distracting. Then, while we played card games quietly, he would randomly speak up and say comments out of the blue like "You know, those pants were obviously made by a man to sexualize the female figure". What was I supposed to say to that? We were playing Yu-Gi-Oh!, not talking about each other's clothing. Not to mention I still didn't feel that we were close enough to discuss sexual things. Then finally, later that night, May fell asleep and, due to the angle she was sleeping at (we shared the couch), she kicked me in the crotch in her sleep. Dimitri laughed and at first I was amused as the next morning we'd tell May that her feet had a mind of their own and that they were "rapists", but now, long after this sleep over, Dimitri keeps telling me that "he'd love to see me get toe-f'ed again" and that he "enjoyed watching it". That made me seriously uncomfortable and I started to lose my patience with him.


There are more things he has done to upset me, but it's about time I discussed the REAL issue at hand. So recently a boy, who I'll call Jak, began joining our calls (I'm the one who suggested he could join since May had told me a lot about him and I thought he sounded cool, plus three was an awkward number, especially with Dimitri). Jak and I immediately got along after one call, and even when May left us we would talk for hours and play games. The sexual humour between us was different to the "humour" Dimitri had with the topic. At some point during one recent call, however, he slipped out that Dimitri and May were dating and had been for a while. I messaged May asking her if this was true, and she said that it was but she didn't want to tell me because I was "insecure about being single". I didn't talk to her for a week out of anger. I felt betrayed. I spoke to Jak about the issues since he and I both do not like Dimitri, so I just let everything out along with my rage. I saw it like this: May forced me to befriend the boy she was going to dump me for so that I hated him less.


But things are just getting worse. I was on a call tonight with Crimson and another friend. The other friend, who has been out with May and I once, said that she sounded like a really horrible person at heart. Crimson, who knows May quite well, said that May must have started dating Dimitri during the start of college and that she made no attempt to keep it secret from anyone there. We were still dating when she started college, and I trust Crimson's words.


I have now put all the pieces of the puzzle together, and they just made me hate Dimitri more and now I've lost trust with everyone. May was one of my closest friends who I told all my problems to, and knowing that she planned to leave me for Dimitri just hurts even more. I would've been happier if she had broke up with me honestly, not slyly planned to go from me to him while leaving me alone with nobody to fall back to. I have since cut all contact with Dimitri, blocking him on Facebook, Skype and Steam. I want nothing to do with him - I hated him when I believed he was just a friend of May's but knowing that he was her boyfriend made me hate him even more. Not out of jealousy but out of disgust. He's a perverted man. He's creepy. He's not that nice. I once watched him hit May with his phone out of anger, but May just goes along with his bad temper. I hate him. For May to go from me, someone who stayed loyal to the end, to him, someone who is perverted and pity-gathering, makes me so mad. It annoys me that someone like him has someone like her; how did he get somebody before me? And all of that "third-wheel" crap... It was me who had been the true third wheel all along, always being invited out with them out of pity.


And now here I am, clenching my fists as I hear more and more from other friends about what May has done behind my back. How she kissed Dimitri. How she snuggled with Dimitri. How she always went to Dimitri's house. How she lay her legs on Dimitri. How she openly flirted with Dimitri. She recently showed me a picture of her and Dimitri alone in a cinema. I don't want to imagine what that man would do to her. I hate him and I'm glad I cut all contact with him.


Oh, the final straw for me with him was when Jak told me that basically he told him about all of my kinks, if you know what I mean. Jak had asked Dimitri if May knew about his furry interests, and he said yes, but then he proceeded to tell Jak what May and I used to do together, what May was into, what I was into and he even showed him a picture he sent to May to humiliate her if she was "bad". Jak luckily had a go at him and defended whatever honour I have left after being used and thrown away.


So... now I have major trust issues. Every time I talk to May, who I have known for about four or five years, I don't feel close to her at all. I feel like I'm talking to someone who is a skilled liar. I despise Dimitri, who I have cut contact with (though May is yet to realize this, it seems, since she thinks I'm very close to him). I have recently contacted old friends and I have also dropped out of my final year of school to restart home studies due to some backstabbing problems there, too.


I just feel played with. I feel used. Broken. I feel like I've let May walk all over me and then generously let Dimitri, the man who stole her from me, into my life. I let him in because I wanted May to be happy, but in doing so I have ruined myself.


Is there anyone out there who feels the same? Is there anyone out there who was at the end of their tether? Does anyone else understand what this is like - to try so hard to be loyal, only to realize that your loyalty never mattered?


Don't ever speak to Dimitri or May again cut them both out of your life and move on they just aren't worth it why would you want or need this hassle in your life they sound like the worst people imaginable and I wouldn't want anything to do with them by keeping them in your life you are allowing them to continue using you and laughing at you behind your back you don't want these people in your life.

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So as an update... May confirmed that at around Feb 2016 time, when I was becoming suspicious of her and Dimitri, she got with him. She said she was depressed and didn't know what to do and he came along and made her feel better. Apparently he tried to convince her to tell me about them two instead of keeping it secret, but she kept putting it off.


In my opinion, if Dimitri was oh-so-mature, he should've refused to do anything with May until she broke up with me. I'd never go for someone in a relationship myself. Second, May should've refused to do anything full stop. She can't come to me and say "I love you" and then be dirty behind my back. I kept my hands to myself for a year and a half while she got kinky with this , and they both worked together to lie to me. All of that "I'm not gonna interfere with your relationship" talk was when he was having sex with her behind my back. Taking her virginity. Same with the "third wheel" comments. I broke down after seeing a "kinky image" which Dimitri sends to her "when she's been bad". He objectifies her. He and her were this weird kinky couple while I was nothing but a broken toy.


I told May that I don't want to talk to her. I told her that if I ever see Dimitri again, there'll be blood. I was planning to see her when I flew back to the UK on the 16th of December. I had a Christmas present for her, and a special one at that. One she really wanted. But I don't want to see her. I'll only forgive her if she broke up with Dimitri because of how wrong it was for them to form a relationship through cheating and lies. If she really cared about me, she'd do that. If she can honestly continue to have sex with him, knowing that I broke down in tears after finding out she cheated on me, knowing that she formed that relationship through my pain, then she's just not worth it. I don't need someone like that in my life. Never again.

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