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Anyone ever break off an engagement?

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I broke off two....


The first one we were engaged after only seeing each other for 6 months....waaay too early. As time went on...8 months later.....we just grew apart....were going two different places in life....nobody's fault and he agreed it was not going to work. We just went too fast.


Second one...geez, I don't even want to get started on this so I will make it as short as possible. We were engaged for 3 years....and he would not work with me to set a date. And I wasn't willing to stay engaged the rest of my life. Bitter battles ensued and I gave him an ultimatum....he wouldn't budge so I left.

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was together with my ex for about 5 yrs on and off. the relationship was dead, but we were going along with what was expected. I knew that i had to call it off when i relised that i was already planning my divorce. I never wore my engagement ring, and was just so apathatic towards planning a huge wedding i did not want to have .

also his family played a big part in our relationship. when it came to them a pretty much had no say in anything....they were not very warm to me and he pretty much blamed me for their treatment of me...... he was always pushing me to get along with them....never supported how i felt about the situation....

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my first love and i had dated during my jr/sr years of high school while he was working on a soap opera in LA... we got engaged 2 years from our first date -- valentines day =) anywho, we broke up 2 months later cuz i found him cheating on me...


moral of story: don't date a soap opera guy cuz he'll think that's how life should be... (J/K)

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