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Avoid getting red in the face?

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At school there's this girl I have class with (she's really attractive), and lately, as I've explained in an earlier, I have this huge crush on her (I talk to her sometimes though, so it's not like she doesn't know me). But just recently I noticed that whenever she enters the room I get a little red in the face and tense up a little, which takes a while through the period to get over. Everytime I talk to her I always lock eyes with her, though sometimes she takes her eyes off mine. I don't stare at her or nothing, just straight eye contact.


What is the best way to get over getting red in the face? Is it just being around her more? I'm working on being less shy around girls like her, especially when I like the girl.



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1) Wear a tie extremely tight. Should minimize the bloodflow to your head, and thus prevent the blushing. Possible side effects include misfunctionality of your brain, and possible passing out. Can also constrict the flow of air into your lungs, and the lack of oxygen should give you a lower red blood cell count.


2) Smoke marijuana or inhale lots of nitrous oxide! This is beautiful because it works on two levels. It will relax you short term, and long term it will damage your skins complexion, thus disguising your blush as ugliness.


3) Just get over it. People blush. The best way to overcome it is to not fight it (that would just make you blush more). Just try to relax, be more confident, and try talking to other girls too, to lower any social anxiety.



Good luck

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lol, good advice (except the smoking thing...might not want to do that). But ya, just get over it. So shes the girl of your dreams, nothing to be nervious about. Be yourself around her like you would be around friends and family (except with a little more affection).

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I used to have the same problem, What you need to do is just remember she is just another person, and relax. It's hard to do, but If you just think of how you talk to other people and don't focus on every little thing you do (as in don't worry if you say something dumb or do something to embarris yourself just keep on with the convo like nothing happened and so will they). I bet you that she doesn't even know you are turning red, That's what I was always told, they don't notice until you bring it up and bring it to their attention.

good luck,


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I get the same damn thing.

How I avoid it is one of two things...

Bow my head and hide in my long hair

or, think about something completely unrelated... like the baby of a snail cross with a puppy dog. lol

It takes your mind away from being embarrassed.

But its not gonna stop

Its so cute though!

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  • 3 weeks later...

My face turns red too! I hate it because I hardly ever see other girls turn red. And then I feel embarrassed that I'm blushing so it takes me a bit to calm down. But don't worry too much, I've seen guys blush when they talk to me and it looks cute so don't worry about it.

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