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My boyfriend and I of 3 years broke up about 5 weeks ago. Shortly after that(about a week) a close male friend confessed he's had a major crush on me ever since the summer. I thought I really liked him too so we started seeing each other. Three weeks in I start to lose the feelings I had for him and have been mildly missing my ex(like I expected I would). I assume this was a rebound? Im feeling trapped in this relationship with this guy as Ive been wanting to just do my own thing and not have to answer or spend time with anyone if I dont want to. Like I feel like I just want to be single and do my own thing and explore. But im super confused by how real it felt when I was really liking him and how that changed so quickly.

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This is a textbook rebound. You used this new guy as a distraction to prevent you from dealing with the pain from your breakup. He was a shiny new toy. Now you're settling into the reality of things and realize you don't even like this guy.


Be kind when you dump him, he didn't deserve to be used like that, even if you did it unknowingly.

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Oh of course, I'm fully aware he didnt deserve to be used. Unfortuantly he also didnt really listen when I asked if we could just casually date first because I had just gotten out of my previous relationship and didnt want to rebound with him, but he pushed and I caved not knowing how to pump the brakes in a nice way. Its a mistake I wont make again. Thats for sure.





This is a textbook rebound. You used this new guy as a distraction to prevent you from dealing with the pain from your breakup. He was a shiny new toy. Now you're settling into the reality of things and realize you don't even like this guy.


Be kind when you dump him, he didn't deserve to be used like that, even if you did it unknowingly.

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