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I have a boyfriend now. we have been going out for almost a month and I'm not too sure how it will all work out. He is such a nice guy and he could do so much better. I don't feel for him the same way he feels for me. And I feel guilty because I really really like some one else. I feel like a total jerk for it. But I feel that I can't break up with him because I'm getting closer with his family.

But this other guy, he makes me feel so wonderful. My boyfriend feels only like a friend to me. But hes liked me for a long time. I just dont know what to do and think about this whole thing. I feel so messed up. I just don't wanna hurt anyone. I need advice.

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well basically, if you don't think it is going anywhere with the current boyfriend.... then why are you with him?? the longer you are with him and you see no future, you will probably break up with him eventually and the longer you wait the more time of his life you are wasting while he could be out there looking for someone else.


think about this hard... its a hard decision, but you alone know what you want and what is the right thing to do.

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Hi there - my BF just broke up with me for the same reason - only we have been together for a year - I thought that he did love me- I wish he had told me back at the start - I have invested all my heart and soul in the relationship and am finding it really hard to get over - dont know if that helps - but if I were him I'd rather be told now.

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Well you can't really protect anyone from getting hurt but you have to be clear with him the reason and don't lie.


Just tell him the truth. Say you really like him a lot, but you don't think that this is the right path for you and instead of keeping him when you know this isn't the right one for you, you are letting him go so he can find the right one.


Its hard to do, but the truth is the best way.

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