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I have known this girl for 8 months and we became best friend after we found out that we like each other.

She has been dating my friend for 3 years now. He is a real jerk. He doesn't appreciates the nice thing she done for him (Cook for him). When she cried he just left her to cry and say" I got to go". She broke up with him for this reason.

During the first few weeks of the break up, Nathalie and I talked alot. She would tell me all her problems with her exboyfriend and I, being her best friend, tried to comfort her.

After a while, she told me that i am a very nice guy and all. That i am the sweetest guy she had ever known. That we have a lot of things in comments. She told me that she would love to be my girlfriend if her boyfriend and her love for him doesn't exist.

Nathalie got back with her boyfriend this week and it have been driving me crazy. She told me that she only got back with him because she still in love with him, even though she knows that her is a jerk and I am a nice guy-and would be a wonderful boyfriend.

I am stuck and dont' know what to do. I really want Nathalie to be my girlfriend.!!! Can any one pls give me some advices.

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Well this is a clear cut case of a young girl that likes jerks. The best thing for you to do is ignore her, unless you want to be a jerk to her and then that might turn her on. I had known girls like this when I was younger, so I am telling you from experience the best thing for you to do is stay away.


How much sense does it make to stay with someone who treats you like crap? Its a waste of your time, and there are better women out there for you than that.

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I dont think you should cut off ties with her. I just think That you should focus on other things right now. cos if you just focus on her and what shes doing your just going to become more upset and frustarted. If you dont think your going to become frustrated and all that maye you should tell her how you feel. You say you are best friends, she should understand then.

I also think that shes not really inlove with this guy. Maybe shes just confused about everything and is just taking the familiar path out of things. I've done that a few times.

But i really dont think that cutting off ties with her is the answer, cos you love her and no matter what your gonna keep feeling that way. And it just hurts you more in the end when you separate yourself from love.

and you gotta remember, shes been going out with this guy for like 3 years..its hard to get over some one no matter how they treat you when you've gone out for such a long time. Just give her some time for her to think things through better.

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I had already told her how i feel about her getting back to her boyfriend.


The next day she told me that she feel unsecure and unappriciated when she is with her boyfriend and she feel safe when she is with me. She told me that she is very comfuse about her situation. If she break up with him for good it would make her feel that she had waste her three years with him for nothing. They have good memories together. I knew him for 2 years and he was a nice guy but recently he turns into a jerk( He hang out with Dimwit and immature new friends).


When I hang out iwth her friends she would always tell them that I am a good guy, a very nice guy.



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Even if you remove the fact that she says the "loves" him and has returned to the relationship, you need to consider the importance of your friendship with him. Girlfriends (and boyfriends) come and go (especially when you are very young) but friendship is something that can, and does, last a lifetime.


We all have to make our own decisions regarding the importance of various relationships in our lives but I'd think twice (and probably more) before I sacrificed a true friendship to a "maybe" relationship with a member of the opposite sex.


Easy for me to say since my best friend of thirty years is married to my favorite cousin (don't have to worry about an attraction there, do we?!)


And, like everyone else has already said, the fact that she returns to the relationship (even if he is a jerk) says you can't be anything more to her than a "rebound" boyfriend even if she ended the relationship permanently. You don't want to be anyone's "betweener".


Find another girl and good luck!

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