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I have dated this guy since feb. we really hit it off, and we became "official" on the night before easter. He's 28 and I am 25, and we're really level headed and sensible. I know that can all be blown away like a dandelion when you get into a relationship. We seem to be totally on the same page with each other. I know it seems really premature, being that it's been barely 2 months, but in the last week and a half I felt like "god, I really love this guy." Of course I told myself that was preposterous, and he prolly didn't feel the same way...but I caught him 3 times almost saying "I love you".


Saturday night as we were laying there, he came clean and told me that he thinks he might be falling in love with me. I am totally fine with that because I am falling in love with him. But with these feelings in the last 2 weeks or so I have also felt myself throughout the day longing for him. Like I could just cry, I want to see him so badly. I know that's not exactly healthy, but not exactly unexpected. I also feel really nervous to call him, I feel like I could be interrupting him or he doesn't want to talk to me...he said he hates to talk on the phone, but he loves when I call and loves to talk to me...so I am kinda at a loss as to what the deal is there.


Is this a normal thing to feel? Longing, just wishing I could come home to him? I mean I know he feels the same way, kinda mushy and all...are we deluding ourselves?

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It is normal. The intensity will wear off a little as you become more used to each other (don't be upset by that - it is normal as well). Just be aware that you do have a life outside each other and make sure you don't end up suffocating one another.

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Of course it is normal to be infatuated early on, as it sounds like you are!


Nothing wrong with that at all, and being infatuated with someone is what allows us to lead into love, though sometimes it also turns out it goes no further than that....but fortunately it sounds like he is on the same page as you are!


Just make sure to keep your own independence and life at the same time as you build this new relationship.


Good luck!

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Of course it is normal. It is the greatest thing love does to us. It makes us forget everything else but the one whom we find steals our heart away.


Relish in the moment.


I'm a man and I can tell you that men do have the same feelings but are often pressured not to share them. Just be honest, do not try to rush things and allow nature to run its course. If it is undeniably love that you both share you will be plesently rewarded.

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Thanks ya guys. We went for a long walk tonight and it was wonderful, he's really sensible about things, as I said and so am I. We just talked, and I told him that all day I really wanted to see him and he was just like "hey, it's good to be missed. It's good to know I am cared about." And he reassured me that he felt the same way, not that I really needed reassurance, but it was nice to know.

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