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is adult entertainment like cheating or am I crazy?

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Beec, some women make comments about some celebrity to make the guy a bit jealous. Some women love doing that. I myself wouldn't want George Clooney wrapped in gold.


Now, saying that George Clooney makes you unconfortable. What if she went to a night club to see G. Clooney dancing totally naked next to her while she stuffed dollar bills under his "package"? Is that ok then?

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I am sure there are. Although if they really did they would be working as secretaries during the day and taking night courses to improve their marketability, not making men cheat on their women.


And how do you know they are not also using the stripping to pay for school and further education for themselves or to support their families? In some higher class places, the strip bar owners not only pay the strippers, but pay their tuition as well. That is improving their marketability and also allowing them to avoid further debt.


Strippers do NOT make men cheat on their woman. Men who cheat will do that regardless with women OTHER than strippers too. Most affairs/cheating is not with random people, but with people they know - friends, workmates and so on.

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Hockeboy, many strippers come from childhoods with child abuse, molestation and alcohol. Many are addicted themselves. This is a statistical confirmation.


I noticed you are very defensive of strippers. Have you dated one? How was that, tell us.

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Hockeboy, many strippers come from childhoods with child abuse, molestation and alcohol. Many are addicted themselves. This is a statistical confirmation.


and your point is? does that make them bad people?


I noticed you are very defensive of strippers. Have you dated one? How was that, tell us.


so you ask a question and then assume you know the answer. well, once again, your assumption was WRONG. i have not dated a stripper.

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I noticed you are very defensive of strippers. Have you dated one? How was that, tell us.


This is not a joke: But Luciana were you cheated on by a b/f or husband with a stripper? You dont have to answer, but I think it might put all of your anger and hate into perspective.

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actually a lot of strippers are in school, thats how they pay for it because they aren't fortunate enough to come from a wealthy family and that kind of job pays good money.


Are you saying that all poor girls should look forward to becoming a stripper to pay for university or college? Are you kidding me? There are perfectly normal ways to make money that do not involve taking your clothes off. There are part time jobs and student loans. So please before you try to rationalize strippers and how they make you feel down there, look at it from another point of view. Just because you enjoy that high doesn't make it right!


Also just because my boyfriend decided that I am more important to him that some stranger doesn't make him any less of a man. In fact, it makes him more of a man than you.


and no, not all men think like me, but not all men are men. and just because you succeed in taking things away from your man does not strengthen a relationship.


I totally disagree with you, it does strengthen the relationship knowing that your partner doesn't want to lose you and any respect they have for you over a STRIPPER, who is supposted to mean nothing to you.

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But you want to? Date a stripper? Tell us how you feel about dating a stripper.


oppurtunity never arose so not much to think about. but would i like to? in a way it would be kind of hot, however i dont think id be able to have a serious relationship with her because i may get jealous so i would make the CHOICE not to. just as you all have the choice what kind of person you want. however...i never thought i'd get involved seriously with a girl who has a child at my age but i did. so i guess i never say never.


Honey, thank god is just an expression. I am an athesit.


well im not an atheist, dont assume i am.

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Carrie honey, I have NEVER been cheated on my entire life. And my father never cheated on my mother. See?


I am fortunate enough to be with a man who thinks these places are seedy, cheesy, the underworld. Who hates the fakiness that these women show to get their dollars.


So honey, I am sorry I don't share your love of strippers.

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Alright, so I actually just talked to my boyfriend about this briefly and about double standards....there was a time recently where I was watching TV with him, and they had this show about male model search or something. I did not really care to watch it, but just pretended to be all excited, and it kind of offended him...though that was not my intent and it was boring so only watched 0.0003 seconds. Watching other men is not appealing to me at all. He was a bit irked at my reaction, but I had not meant it that way other than sort of teasing....so I asked him today about that, because when he was in Orlando a few weeks ago he went to the strip bar. I don't care he did, he went with coworkers as I mentioned earlier, but I just inquired about the double standard....his answers, posted with his permission:


"If you went to the strippers I wouldn't mind as long as you played by the rules and as soon as you got home you weren't expecting action


I wouldn't have minded you watching the model thing on TV, in fact it could of been funny and interesting. I just didn't like the fact that you basically got sooooo excited so quick and didn't even want to consider what else was on. (my side note...as I said it was not intentional, I was kidding around and we had flipped through everything already..lol..and I did change channel as it was boring anyway!).


And Orlando was not about "seeing" the strippers, my boss and the other guy were at odds and it had been a looooooooong 3 days (16 plus hour days) I wanted to get (name changed) out to talk and blow off some steam


Rather than going downtown to a bar which was a 1/2 hour cab ride and dancing with girls in a loud bar that place was much closer and quieter


To some guys it is about seeing and getting all drunk and wanting to jerk off later. In my uni days it was about seeing. Sine I've been in serious relationships I honestly dont' have an interest. I would only go for the social aspect and at a strip club there is no chance of a girl hitting on me.


So the model show was not the action, more the delivery of the message I didn't like.


And surprisingly as a strip club (not me just thinking) guys would feel less pressure to preform, such as at a bar, and there is less temptation as the guy knows ke's going home alone


so will you see me planning a trip to the rippers? No (unless it's a buddies stag). Would I say no to going, depends on the event. I know (name omitted) and I used to go as roomies early on. He actually mentioned doing it as old times sake when he was in before. I told him I rather would do something else."

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Are you saying that all poor girls should look forward to becoming a stripper to pay for university or college? Are you kidding me? There are perfectly normal ways to make money that do not involve taking your clothes off. There are part time jobs and student loans. So please before you try to rationalize strippers and how they make you feel down there, look at it from another point of view. Just because you enjoy that high doesn't make it right!


umm, when did i say they should look forward to it? i just said theres nothing wrong with them making their CHOICE as to what they want to do. they make a ton of money and they dont have to pay off student loans like i do for years and years. i dont blame them for that, sorry if your jealous.


Also just because my boyfriend decided that I am more important to him that some stranger doesn't make him any less of a man. In fact, it makes him more of a man than you.


well thats a fact, huh? more like an opinion. Think what you want but a man like me would not choose to be with someone like you anyways so no worries, we're both happy there. you dont even know me anyways...you have no idea what kind of person i am. maybe if you knew you'd think more about it. maybe if you knew that i donate my time to youth sports and that i give my gf's all the love in the world and maybe if you knew what i did for my gfs that ive had then you wouldnt make such rude comments.



I totally disagree with you, it does strengthen the relationship knowing that your partner doesn't want to lose you and any respect they have for you over a STRIPPER, who is supposted to mean nothing to you.


your opinion, mine is different. im just saying, a man can build resentment for that, ive seen it happen several times, its happening to my best friend right now. nothing to do with strip clubs, but the fact that she is controlling.

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"its happening to my best friend right now. nothing to do with strip clubs, but the fact that she is controlling."


If he doesn't like that, why does he stay with her? Move on then. There must be something about her he likes to stay, right?

Just like we can move on too if a guy insists in canoodling with other naked women.


Let me make this clear: I do not have anything against single, lonely or divorced men who can't find a relationship in going to strip clubs. For these guys it might be a relief and salvation.


But a guy in a relationship where his wife/GF is bothered by it, should NOT go out of respect for her. If she doesn't care, like Carrie, then it's all fine.


it is very worrisome what is happening in this society (remember, I am a Sociologist and as such I study human behavior in social groups), where porn stars like Jenna Jameson are considered celebrities and evenhave dolls made. Imagine your little sweet 5 year old daughter wanting to grow up to be a porn star. Lot's of money in that!!


Is money everything hockeyboy? For some dignity is more important. it would break my heart to see my beautiful smart 18 year old daughter (who is working hard and studying like crazy) become a stripper. But fortunately her IQ and her morals are too high for that.

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