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how do I know how he feels?

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I've been dating this guy for about three months now and I really love him . I want to tell him but I don't know how he feels and I am afraid that he might not feel the same way. I know he cares about me alot and I fell as though he might love me too. I catch him looking deep into my eyes wit hthis intense gaze. Also he is alwaysa there for me if I feel I need to talk. He tells me to tell him anything and I do. He always looks out for me I hurt my back at work and he is always trying to make sure I'm okay and he tries to make meas cofterable as possable when I am with him. He shows me he cares but I don't know if it's love or just that he likes me and cares for me. Should I tell him or should I wait until I know how he feels. Everytime I'm with him I just want to blurt it out but I refrain myself from doing so. I don't want to get hurt but I want to be as honest about this with him as I am about everything else

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hmmm... never say I love you first.


if you do and he doesnt feel that way then he may say it out of guilt, you may be on cloud 9 for awhile, but you want the truth...


wait till he says it...better yet.... sit him down and just ask


hey, I am curious, how do you feel about me? then shuddup. if he doesnt say it then it's ok -give him time, if he does then blurt it out and enjoy your new life together.

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I have to disagree with the idea of never saying it first. That's ridiculous. If you love somebody, I mean if you truly, deeply love somebody, tell them. That in itself should be enough. LOVING them is what's wonderful, and should be wonderful regardless of whether or not they say it back.


Never be afraid to say I love you if you know it's true. Otherwise you're making yourself afraid of it being unrequited, and that will make you afraid of loving them.

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I don't want to get hurt but I want to be as honest about this with him as I am about everything else


If you feel the need to say so then say so...life is so short...suppose he's shy and he wants to tell you. There's one thing that I've learned is that men like women are afraid to express their feelings. You never how the other party feels until someone steps to the plate. If you feel that you will be totally devasted if he doesn't respond in a positive manner then wait it out and feel the waters a little more from him. REMEMBER: Uf you're afraid to talk he may be as well.

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