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Scheduling crises: work, school vs. relationships

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okay well long story shot i met this girl online and i like her alot..we have been out 3 times and everytime had a blast........ we talk basically everynight on msn "late at night" and so on but our schedules just dont seem to mix...... between school and work its like and so we dont get to see each other very offten . basically once a week or so...........our last date was this pased tuesday and now the next time we can meet up is next friday so looking for any ideas people might have to make this "thing" work

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its really hard to maintain relationships in college when you have both work and school. with my last boyfriend it was sort of an issue, trying to make time for eachother, and at the same time trying to make time for my friends and family. we would try to plan things in advance a lot. sometimes we'd go out to lunch when we both had breaks at school. we'd hang out real late at night after we both got off work. lucky for us, we worked together, so we knew we'd always be guaranteed a couple times a week together no matter what.


anyways, i think that if you both like eachother a lot, you will figure out how to make time for eachother. i would hate for something like scheduling to screw up what could be a great relationship.

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I know how you feel, I was in a relationship where i was only able to see my boyfriend on the weekends, but I think it makes the getting together more anticipated. I think you should just make plans to go out whenever you can. I'm sure the both of you agree work and school are important, and when you do get to go out it makes the wait worth while. Just keep it up, i know it's hard, but if it's meant to be i'm sure you two will be sure to make time to get together. Good Luck!

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Hi Ash,


Im currently seeing someone only once or twice max a week. She studies full time, and I work 2 jobs. I agree that its the quality time that you spend not quantity. I always look forward and get rather excited just waiting for the days till I next get to see her

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I'm in the same position. Me and this girl met online and ending up really liking each other but distance and busy schedules keep us from seeing each other as often as we want. I'll give the same advice I'm following myself. Talk online and on the phone and see each other in person when you can. Make sure those meetings are fun and special. Like everyone has said, its quality not quantity.

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