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recently im confuse whether ive broken up. she says she needs time to think and im giving her time to think. but all this and im getting serious back problems and neck problems. i have serious depressions because this is a long distance relationship and i don't know what to do. ive not eaten the whole day and all ive taken is yoghurt. i have no inspiration to cook and no appetite. my mind hurts and heart hurts and my arm hurts for cutting myself. i dont know what to do, i was walking 45mins under the rain to streets. i cant sleep all im doing is thinkg about her.

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If she is worth you tormenting yourself then she would be there with you now. Try to believe that hurting yourself will not help, try instead to look after your health. Find someone close to talk to, I found that after speaking to a great friend of mine about all of my anxieties and embarrassments, my heart began to mend itself.


Go forward and not back, I spent many hours in introverted silence, it helps so much to talk to someone. Or even just to go out and do something else, keep yourself occupied, and you will forget her, at least for a moment.

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ya dude, dont go crazy over her, I KNOW its hard to say for sure, but u gotta slowly but surly let go..unless of course she is done with giving space, give it a trial if no communication occurs to a sociable extent, i would expect shes see'ing sumone. I my self have not been in a long dis. relationship, i can only bare how u feel man, not knowing how she is, not talking to her, not being able to touch her... GL BRO keep posting

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ive been with her for 1yr n 8 months. theres so many memories. she cant be here with me because she doesnt have the money to fly all the way here, its an international flight. she told me she kind of like someone else, which is making me sick. i rather her leave me and she doesnt have another partner than leave me and find another person


everytime i stare into empty space just thinking what we have done, why she might have done this, why i went so far away. all regrets

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