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Don't know what to do


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End November 2015 I went on a cam site with women just for fun. My wife found out what I did. She had a relationship with another men from February until July 2016. In April 2016 she said she wanted to go back to her home country Germany or our marriage would be over. I agreed but I still didn't know about her relationship. In January 2017 my wife has a bleeding and finds out she's 34 weeks pregnant. She tells me she doesn't knew. In April 2017 I find the real truth about everything. The relationship, the kid isn't mine, at first she wanted to move to Germany for that guy because he lives there . Now I'm stuck here in a foreign country with not so good marriage and 3 kids and I'm homesick. I wanna go back to my country but I don't want to leave my kid behind. I don't know what to do.

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Why stay married if you've both cheated and neither of you are happy? Get a divorce and get out there and meet new people, start dating and stay where you are so that your children are in your life and you are in theirs. You can schedule regular visits to your homeland to see family. People do it every single day so you can do it to. You needn't be sad or lonely.

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