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Please Help me!!

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This one Guy and I had fooled around a bit, I thought that he liked me or so he said. He wanted to fool around not long after we had just met, but I said I didn't like him enough to just start fooling around with him and that I would rather get to know him better first. about 6-8 months later we started getting closer and fooling around, but not having sex of course, but he did pressure me into having sex with him. Almost everytime we were together he would ask me if I wanted to have sex with him every time the answer was the same. Then one day he just stopped hanging around me and he barly talks to me now. Now I've herd that he's going around telling people that I went and was the one who pressured him into having sex and saying I went and made out with all these people and now some people think I'm a slute, and most people believe him since he's popular and all that crap. I'm really confused in what I should do someone please give me some advice, I would really apriciate it.

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:2gunfire: What a JERK!!!

He is doing that because you wont have sex with him anymore...

YES that is FFFFed up, but some guys are like that.

As far as i know girls CAN'T pressure guys into having sex... guy=sex.

I would get a big friend of yours to teach him a lesson... Find someone

who doesnt like him 0X are those ppl you "made out" with saying they did it to? or just him?

You just need to set the record striaght with who

ever asks you.... come on a girl pressuring a guy into sex... RIGHT!!?

He is just a 'jerk'

says, tell everyone he has a little.... ya you know

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Well it sounds like that guy was mostly interested in sex, and after not getting it he decided to move on. But to save face he tells people he got lots of sex from you, so that he looks good. You could confront him in front of his "manly" friends and tell him you've heard the lies he's spreading about you and that you never did anything with him because his manhood is lacking. Or something equally embarrassing. In short he is lying about you for his own ego, I wonder how many other girls he's done this to. Can you all confront him in public together?


Personally, I'm a sissy and don't have the balls to confront people like that, unless there were many of us. But, do what you feel is right.

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Hello Daisy


You didnt have sex with him because you followed your instincts and they were right.


His macho pride is hurt and is doing all this stuff to heal his pride because your the one that he couldnt get!


Forget about what he is telling the others, do you really think people are going to think he was the one that was saying "no" to having sex with you?

of course not, Daisy, Hold your head up hi, and thank your lucky stars that you have good enough sense to detect bull crap artists like this guy!

most girls dont have that good sense. when you do find the right guy, youll feel comfortable with him.


take care !

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