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Ex-girlfriend who broke up with me acting very strange.

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Well, we have barely talked too much the last 2 months. I told her on several occasions not to talk to me, not to message me, nothing. Well, on several occasions now she has messaged me, and has even called and left a nice message, but her texts have been very rude.


What I don't understand is, if I already told her on several occasions to leave me alone, and not contact me, why does she continue to, and why is she being rude about it? She did broke up with me, I'll mention that again. She also continually talks nicely to my best friend and asking how I am doing and such.

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In what way is she rude? Joking or serious. What sort of things does she say. Why did she break up with you/


Most important - what do you want? Do you want to get back with her or do you just want her to leave you alone?

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No rude as in RUDE.


Ultimately I would like her back, but for now we both need our space. I'm not really sure what is going on in her mind right now.


I think things are much calmer now. We had a bit better of a discussion last night and she said she is fine with not talking for a little while.

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I see you picked up on my screenname LOL.


Well, she knows I want her back. My friend saw her the other day, starting saying how we all know you are going back to him blahblahblah, and she couldn't even look at him, just took a haul from her smoke and looked out the window of the coffee shop.


If figure I'll give it 2 months, until my birthday, and if no call by then, her loss. If a call by then, string her along this time.


I just don't see how someone can't simply say we're done for good. Not maybe in the future. It really drives me nutz.

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Well, we had spoken a few days ago and made a friendly agreement that we would not speak. I told her she knew how I felt but that I am going to start moving on, basically the clock is ticking on her.


Well, yesterday she had a job interview in the same building as I work LOL. So she calls me at work and asks to go for a smoke. It was my usual smoke break so I agreed. Talk about whatever with her for a bit, and then she said "See this is how we should be. Talking and laughing".


Well, I replied "You know it can't be like this". Felt really good about this.


She then asked if I was going to get in trouble for taking another break, and I told her that I had actually taken a long lunch because the restaurant I went to was busy. She asked if I had gone with people from work and I said no, I had gone with a girl I was seeing.


I am finding it so easy to just not contact her now. I miss her dearly but I feel this is the best way to hasten her decision.

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h_b_k_02: You mentioned that you ultimately wanted to get back with her... but out of curiosity.. how long do you wait? Do people just wait and wait and wait and then get sick of it and thats how they move on?


It just seems confusing to me that you ultimately want her back, but you seem so care-free and can let her contact you, but not want to contact her back? You're really strong and am happy to hear that you are moving on. It's definitely inspirational.

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Well, the breakup wasn't a 100% clear. She said she wanted to see other people, that RIGHT NOW it is hard to see us getting back together.


I think she got that job in my building (not 100% sure though), so I guess May will be make-or-break. I am also lucky enough to have my birthday on the 13th of June. I think that day will be the point of no return.


I don't contact her because she told me to move on and that is what I am doing. She hasn't contacted me in a week now, since we last saw each other (which was a pretty good, but short time, just kind of hanging for a few on my break).


She's probably going to start thinking about me more and more. I kept chasing and she would keep pulling back, I have to wait and I have done my part to pull back now as well. Now I have to see if indeed she wants to chase me. She knows being friends is completely out of the question so I know if the phone rings, not to answer, collect my excitement or anxiety and call her back the same day, but after I calm down a bit. I am no longer waiting for the phone to ring though because if it does, it does, if it doesn't, I am doing the necessary things I had to do (ie, change myself, heal, move on) before I get too involved with another.


We were together 6 years. I don't think she has it in her to simply throw those 6 years away, especially when I consider the fact we were almost always together, went to high school and university together. Time has the ultimate say on what will happen.

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Well she didn't get the job. NC was easy, but to be honest, it wasn't the talking part that killed me. It was the uncertainety as to whether it would do me any good, or if it was simply delaying my disappointment.


She is seeing someone else so I figure ultimatum time. Yup, I know, risky, but I called her and asked her if she would like to "see" that guy she saw last Wednesday. She said "we'll see", dangling that string most likely.


So I said I'm sick of hearing this uncertainety (via email, of course, less heated). I went and snapped and now I feel 100% better now because I said everything I have been feeling and she has been questioning.


I said if you want to throw away 6 years, go ahead, but know and accept and live with the fact it is your decision. I hate thinking I am letting my parents and your parents down because they love us both so much. I am willing to make this work, as we already know we have the chemistry and attraction to each other. I will fight for you if you want or let me. But I just cannot move on so easily after 6 years and it really hurts me to see that you can. Your exams are done now, so think about this but please, please, if you are going to call me, please do it soon. I am just so sick and tired of you just coming in and out of my life since I care so much. You know my heart and love is with you and I hope you realize you are once again making a big mistake (she has broken up with me on many occasions but always seems to come back, this time it has been much longer, but she can't slam the door, WHY?).

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