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I have been with my girlfriend for about 5 months or so.. and we have an awesome relationship, I am really comfortable around her family, and vice versa. But, we don't really talk about sex, or anything like that.. like our feelings or anything. And we're not much for public affection, like we do casual stuff, like put my arm around her and stuff. Anyways, I just want to know, I want to have a nice talk with her some night.. just about things, and I don't know if she's on the pill or not, and I don't know what her reaction would be if I just came out and asked her.. becasue we're like a casual laid back couple, so im not use to this kind of thing. So I need advice on how to get onto the subject, the easiest way possible, once I know I can talk with her.. Our relationship will feel so much more secure.. Im beginning to fall in love with her, and I want to be able to talk with her.. I just need some advice, to how to get onto the topic in our own style.. maybe make a joke or something, like what are some things I can say.. and then just get onto the subject so I can find out if she's on the pill, and anything else..and what her say on this whole thing is and such...I just want to be able to talk with her, and know she's comfortable talking to me about things.. SO, pretty much summing it up.. I want to be able to talk with her about anything, and getting there in a comfortable styyle we;re used to .. thanks a lot.. Please Help !

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I don't understand why you would want to talk to her about the pill. Are you considering having sex with her?


I think that it is a good idea to be able to talk to your g/f about anything. But maybe you should address the topic of sex, before birth control. Maybe the topic hasn't come up because she isn't ready for it. There is a natural progression of things and you shouldn't try to rush it. If it is supposed to happen it will come naturally to both of you, in time.


Sex changes so many things in a relationship, don't rush into it before your ready.

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I agree with the other posters, things are going well, and you are young, so please don't rush into the topic of sex. If probably hasn't come up because your gf isn't ready to talk about it yet. Why not give it some more time and enjoy your relationship as is for now, without the added complication of sex?

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Yeah, I get what you all are saying thanks..

Just to make it a bit more clearer, it's not totally about sex, I just want to be able to talk to her about anything, and I just need help getting onto the topic, so any advice, on how to do it, without making it super complicated, I know after the first time, I will be able to be more open ..

Thanks a lot.

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