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forwardness and shy girls

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okay well i met this girl online and we hit it off really well sooooo much incommon then last night we went to a concert and well seemed to hit it off aswell lol but she is pretty shy and hard to read and i am not sure how forward to be for our second movie date........like we held hands and stuff but i dont want to scare her and i dont want to go to slow to make her not think i am interested...so yeah any tips, comments or ideas are more then welcome

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Well you want to follow up on another time to getogether no later than 3 days, otherwise she might think that you aren't interested. Ask in a way where it sounds open-ended in which she doesn't feel any pressure if she does reject the idea or b/c she is busy with her schedule. If she is interested then I think she will follow up with your idea of getting together another time if she does so happen to be busy on the day & time that you tell her. You don't want to come off to strong, so just talk to her alittle bit, but make sure to end the conversation with the 2nd date plans otherwise it is sort of pointless to just be talking to her.

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With new girls, wait two or three days to call....don't be needing to talk to her. As the other dude said, when you make plans, try and act like you're busy if she suggests a time, even if you aren't--take charge and set the date up yourself. Be money and she'll love you.

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ok follow their instructions with the date...but when it comes to touching and stuff..take it kind of slow...but when it comes down to the kiss or whatever else...you can't be wishy washy...you have to sort of go for it and don't ask to kiss her or anything kind of just do it so that it is there and she doesn't have to choose to do it...if it looks like she is not enjoying herself you can back off....but speaking as a shy gurl myself you can't act like you are going to kiss her and then back down ...cuz then she feels like she has to do something...and shy gurls have it very hard when it comes to doing things...they are scared they are gunna do it wrong and so forth...so you just gotta do it for them...lol....good luck

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I hope she hasn't read the book "He's just not that into you" cause if you wait days to talk to her, she's going to think you don't like her. If a guy truley likes a girl he calls everyday, even if it's just to say 'Hi'.

But thats just my opinion.

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Forget all the rules and do what feels right. If you want to call her, call her. If you feel like kissing her, and you can tell she wants it to, then kiss her. Every guy and every girl is different, they'll like different. Don't worry about what you are suppose to do or what will make things work, just be yourself and everything will work out naturally.

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