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I'm feeling just so frustated tonight for some reason. I had posted a few new topics about my ex today explaining things. And for some reason I'm just soo frustrated with everything he has been doing. And i'm getting angry but above all confused- I'm frustrated over his ambivalence with me.. His hot and coldness... Him taking out his bad moods and anger on me--- saying that i don't make him happy when hes in a bad mood, but when hes in a good mood he always says hes always happy talking to me. And he takes a lot of his anger out on me, and he says its because he takes anger out on people close to him.. Above all I am so confused...and I feel all these emotions inside yet i still feel empty and numb. I guess I was looking for someone to talk to on here, some help, and to vent.. I just don't know how to handle my mood. Nothing really offset it- just i guess bottled up emotions...



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I know that with my ex she doesnt see how she pushes my buttons and I often feel like a jerk because she knows how to hurt my feelings very quickly and the only way I react is with anger. We all have our defenses hers was seeing me as the problem to the point where I stopped dealing with what I was doing wrong and started focusing on her issues to try to balance things. It became a mess and needless to say she is my ex. The only person we can change is ourselves. What do you do right before they become angry????

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Hey.... Thanks for your advice. But I honestly don't do anything to deserve the stuff he pulls.. You may think there is a reason he reacts like that but he just has these problems...Sometimes he just gets into these really bad moods, and when i dont do my job by making him happy when he is in these moods...He just acts like a jerk too me and distance himself.. He has a really short fuse and when anything pisses him off, not just me..he just bottles it up then lets it out.. I know what your ex did is a different situation but we are totally different girls.. And trust me, I just tried to please my ex- sometimes i overanalyze stuff he says and i take it personally because i am extra sensitive...but i never intentionally pissed him off and hurt him.. I just didn't want you to think something bad of me... Perhaps...


MOre advice is welcomed...

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How can you not take it seriously? That's stupid for him to say that. You don't blow up in someones face and then expect them to be able to brush it off like it's nothing. Your being normal, you're just wondering why he is doing this to you so do not feel bad for overanalyzing, it's perfectly normal in the situation you are in. You seem like a really good person smiles and I start to wonder if this guy even deserves you because your honest and you try to make him happy and you want to communicate but he just isn't happy right now for some reason. I think you are feeling numb inside because nothing is working, you are putting your all into it and being a perfect significant other, yet, he just keeps testing your limitations. Maybe he is waiting for you to blow up, I dunno.



By the way, PM me anytime if you need to just vent.

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