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I seriously need help


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I'm 18 years old and I've been with this girl for over a year and we really care about each other, I'm fully convinced I love the girl and she feels the same way. Now we do live a fair distance from each other but I can get two buses to get out to her house and we're able to meet each other in town easily enough, we dont see each other all that often but it's once every few weeks and it's not that hard when we do. Although my parents have never really been very supportive of the relationship because they wanted me to focus on school and I think there are other reasons too I'm just not fully aware of, now you can imagine how this made my girlfriend feel since day one, she feels like my parents hate her which isn't good for anyone. They haven't even met her yet. Now over easter they went out of the country for two weeks so I decided to have her over to my house for a few days and she stayed and we had so much fun, I've never felt so right in my life but then that soon came to an end it was only two weeks. Then it got bad. It turns out that one of my neighbours saw us when we went for a walk one of the mornings she was at my house and they told my parents and when they found out they completely freaked. I haven't seen the girl since. They've told me they're no longer supporting me at all with the relationship as what we did was just a complete lack of respect and betrayal of trust and they were asking me how do I expect them to be okay with me being with someone who would do that to their partners parents when they don't even know them. It's been like two months now and we've broken up because my parents won't let us see each other and it honestly tearing me apart. I know what we did was very sneaky and deceitful but Jesus we're young we make stupid mistakes, I don't think we deserved this. I wouldn't wish how I feel right now on my worst enemy let alone my child. I've never felt so down and heartbroken about anything in my entire life I've been crying myself to sleep quite regularly and she's been doing the same all we want to do is be together but we can't. It is honestly the worst feeling I've ever felt and it's all because of my parents and they just won't change their opinion. I have no idea what to do anymore because the only thing I can think about is her 24/7 and it's eating me alive.. when I'm alone all I do is cry, when I hear songs that we both used to listen to together I just break down and it's not stopping. Me and the girl are still talking regularly because of the fact that there's no bad blood between us or anything but we just both want to be together and we're absolutely heartbroken and we only feel like this because of my parents. I just love and miss her so much and I really don't know what to do anymore.

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That sucks, man. Cause one thing that destroys me is the fact that I value my parents' opinions so much. So if they don't approve of something, I probably don't approve of it either. (I'm a 19 year old female, FYI). Right now, you're just in limbo. Like, it's going to suck. And you're going to have to go through it. Accept the fact that it sucks. Give it time Becuase you're parents are probably freaking out. Maybe it'd be best if they had met the girl.


I've been with my boyfriend for 9 months now. At first, I didn't want anyone to know he existed- but, with it like that, my parents couldn't trust him. He's over at my house 5 of the 7 days a week.


At the beginnng, they wouldn't have been okay with me running around with him.. sleeping over at his house, or going to the beach by ourselves , and just trips of that sort.


So, anyway, I think you should give it time. If you and your gf are committed, time will fix these wounds.


Best of luck

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Their house, their rules.

What you can do is get a job and get your own place (or one with a roommate). If you love this girl so much then she should be your motivation. If you dont want it bad enough then you wont work for it.

As far as your parents are concerned, you have to see their point instead of trying to make them see yours. They want what is best for you and if you are skipping school to see this girl, then they will worry about you.

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Their house, their rules.

What you can do is get a job and get your own place (or one with a roommate). If you love this girl so much then she should be your motivation. If you dont want it bad enough then you wont work for it.

As far as your parents are concerned, you have to see their point instead of trying to make them see yours. They want what is best for you and if you are skipping school to see this girl, then they will worry about you.


Yeah I know but the things is I never skipped school to see her. We're kinda long distance so whenever I saw her it was around my study and schoolwork none of it suffered, if anything she just kept me happy and motivated during a year which is usually the worst year for students in school in Ireland as it's my last year and there's these massive exams at the end of the year that determine whether you go to college or not and it's just really stressful, but I did my work.. and she helped me through it it didn't suffer because of her, she honestly made it easier for me by supporting me

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