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please help

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Hi, its me again. I saw my ex last night when he got his clothes, the atmosphere was awkward and he told me he did not know what he wanted. he was not sure if he loved me and was not sure about us. i love him so much and he knows that. Now i know that i will never see him again, i have not eaten since he left and he knows that as he commented on my weight. i told him i was anorexic, but he did not care. This is so hard, I need to eat I do now that but at the moment it is so hard. What does he mean by him not knowing if he loved me?? this is it over for good and i know that within time i can be strong, but i hurt so much. Please help

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well, first things first. GO EAT! i too was devestated after my last relationship a year ago. & i lost about 10 lbs afterwards. i am a BIG eater & for me to lose my appetite it musta been real bad! so i know how it feels, but telling your ex youre anorexic just seems like a pathetic cry for attention & pity. so give that game up right now.


we here can not tell you for sure if your ex was honest in what he said about 'not knowing how he feels'. only he holds that secret. some people use that line as a sugar coated escape route meanwhile others truly do mean it. but life's too short to waste your time waiting around & thinking about it. so get back on your feet & let your past be just that...your past. dont dwell on everything he says. he is your EX so take his words with a grain of salt. the more time you waste over analyzing & worrying the worse off youll be. so understand it right now that this is over & really take it in. it may be tough but do it.


time does heal, but only if you let it. dont find comfort in your sadness. dig in real deep & scrounge up whatever strength you have left & build it up. self motivating exorcises like; yoga, dancing, meditation, exorcise, etc...anything that keeps you emotionally, mentally & physically stimulated is what you need right now. surround yourself with positive fun loving people & live again!


and EAT! our bodies proform on psycho-somatic behavior. and the less you eat, the worse your brain & other organs function. and the more positive you think the more positive you feel & vice versa. so stop doing damage to yourself by not eating.


your healing time should start right now. accept the reality of your breakup & find peace with it that its over & youre onto the next journey of your life. be GRATEFUL that youre not wasting anymore of your time with the wrong person. find yourself again & live it up the way life is meant to be lived!


take care,


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I am sory to hear that you anorexic, did this start with the breakup or before that?


I'm going through te pains of a breakup myself, and have lost my appetite. It's come to the point, that if i eat, my stomach gets a little upset. So i have to take it slowly. Normally now i don't feel hungry anymore, i just feel like i'm going through a routine, trying to get my old life back. My old appetite.


Please try a number of small meals throughout the day. A little fruit, or snack to go kind of thing. Ven treat yourself with your favourite food. Te tuff you know you can't resist. You WILL feel better, don't worry. This will make you a stonger person.

As for him telling you that he is unsure about his feelings, i was told the same. I try not to get angry about it, but focus on the good memories if i do think about him. But please don't think about the good memories and then say, i'm going to miss that, or i'll never have that again. That will just make it worse, and taint the good memories of the two of you. If you do want to think about it, think good thoughts and then force your mind to think about something else you have to do. Keep yourself busy, so that you don't allow the downtime for your mind to really think.


If your anorexic problem gets worse, please consider going to a doctor, it will really help. You still have a wonderful life ahead of you, although it may not seem so now.


Now go find something amazing to eat or drink, something you know you can't resist! But take it easy on your stomach, you know your body better than anyone else.

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What does he mean by him not knowing if he loved me?? this is it over for good and i know that within time i can be strong, but i hurt so much. Please help


Seeing your ex immediately following a breakup is one of the most eery things in life. The only thing you can do is continue to live your life and find other meaningful sources of happiness. If you're having difficulty with eating, then buy a drink called Ensure or other meal replacement drink. Set your clock so that you drink one every four hours or so. I recommend getting the 350 calorie one or higher. Your body needs proper nourishment even though you don't have much of an appetite.


If you believe you are anorexic, then check yourself into counseling. You obviously do care about yourself and that would be a good move for you right now. Once you overcome being anorexic, other positive changes will follow. Take one step at a time and you'll be fine. believe it or not, there are always positives to every negative situation. Take this time to yourself and focus on eating right and other forms of self-improvement. A few months down the road, you'll be able to look back and see all that you've overcome, and it will make you feel very good about yourself.

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