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Can you decode these signals?

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I am wondering if anyone would help me. I have two girls and I cannot tell if they like me or not. So here goes:


One constanley like to walk with me to get a coffee and just talk. She stands real close to me while I am waiting to get a coffee and her shoulders constanly bumping into my arm while walking.


The other one talks to me a lot and she stands acrros from me. Today she stood up straight. She straigthed her shoulders and expanded her chest toward me.


So are these girls showing an interest in me??

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Today she stood up straight. She straigthed her shoulders and expanded her chest toward me.


oh I love that one. I have no doubt that she did. And women wonder why men focus on their chests sometimes...they purposely put that stuff out there for us to see...I'm just admiring the view.


It sounds like they both are, yet aren't quite sure how to broach that line of being your "friend". Maybe they are trying to think of how to ask you out without ruining what they have already. Go ahead and give it a shot. Hey even if you go out on a couple of dates with both of them and you don't like one of them, you can still be friends. Just don't let anything get too serious early on is all.

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Both of these sound really ambiguous.


I once had a friend who was like the girl you first described. Whenever she'd walk with someone or stand next to someone (be it a man or woman) she'd always be real close. She's actually confused many guys with that, just like you are, into thinking that she's interested in them but she isn't. That's just the way she is!


As for the second girl, she could just be straightening her posture? Or maybe that's just the way she stands?


I think you need to look for other signs and maybe ones that only occur when you are with them to get a better idea.

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Its sounds like they are both interested, personally. The one who did the chest move is not super crazy about you, at least it seems to me. Because when you're that confident that early on, you're interested but not crazily interested if that makes sense. Meaning, if the guy is enough of a nonperfect-unable-to-make-into-ideal type, then you can be a little more confident b/c you are confident with yourself around people of whom you don't feel are superior to you. Although, she might be SUPER confident in herself already (not like most girls...or guys for that matter) and that would negate my idea on that.

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