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Is it normal to have never had a Girlfriend?

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Usually stuff like subtle things. Bumping into you to get your attention while sitting down I GET THIS ALL THE TIME!!!, And usually hair-over-the shoulders if their sitting next to you, glances at you while your looking at something else (example: teacher, clock, work, etc.), and putting hair over there ears with one hand while looking at you, or fixing a ponytail or stretching over a chair next to you or close by. Yeah, well those are the signs I get a lot? Is it good?

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What if a girl acts this way if you know for sure (only the bumping into thing and looking at me sometimes, like she's shy or something, like when I talked to this girl oh yeah btw I'm interested in this girl if that has anything to do with it, and this girl does a lot of playing with the ponytail, the first time I talked to her in a while (like 5 months) she had changed thoughts about me or something while talking to me, when I was about to talk to her when I said hey she turned around to face me like she already knew but then again she was pretty close like 5 feet away from me at the time so yeah, her face was slightly red, she was embarrassed because I had saw her at this thing, so she touched her face with both of her hands, I couldn't keep my eyes off hers I'm guessing that's a good thing lol, and she sounded excited/enthusiastic to talk to me...so yeah) likes another guy though and displays all the signs I mentioned in the parenthesis. Sometimes she also checks to see if I'm checking her out so yeah. Sorry I'm hogging some of your post to figure this out. Lol, I had too lol. So yeah, girls reply plz.

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For the original poster... I didn't have my first boyfriend until the end of my sophomore year at university. I was also his first real girlfriend - same age as me. I know quite a few people who are older than me and have never had a significant other.


So, yes, it is normal. To be honest, I'm really glad I never had a boyfriend in high school. I felt like such a loser then, but in hindsight, I had time to pursue things that were fun and interested me - and in the long term led to some serious career options.

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I had to post to this. Man, hold your horses, there's nothing wrong with you because you haven't had a girlfriend. I'm 21 and I've never had boyfriend. I'm an attractive, sweet and interesting girl. Do I want a boyfriend, heck yes! But not just any boyfriend, I'm want to be with someone I really enjoy being around. There's a difference between just wanting a boyfriend/girlfriend and wanting to truly get to know someone special. And I know the kind of pressure I'm sure you're feeling from others to have a girlfriend. But just take your time and like others said, it's kind nice dating once you get out of high school. You grow a lot emotionally and I think you're better prepared for a relationship.

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I know what your saying orange, but I want something relationship wise. I am the guy who wants to find the perfect girl (then dont we all). But I figure to find the perfect girl, I need to maybe get some expierence under my belt with dating and the like. I have never been on a date or even kissed a girl yet so those are my main reasons. I need expirence. And to maybe bring me outta my terrible mood that I've been in for the last 3 or 4 years of my life.

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It was not until I was 21 that I got my first real girlfriend. For sure I wanted it earilier.. but I always looked very young for my age and was very skinny. I had not so much confidence...


What I wish I would of done when I was younger is the following. I have done this recently and noticed a big success in picking up woman. Also in how people treat me



#1) Start acting more confident! I see you lack total confidence.. and with that lack of confidence you will almost surely never meet that perfect girl.

But in order to get confidence you need to not feel so inferior.


What I did was take up weight lifting very serious and gain some weight.

I knew that I was not a skinny weakling anymore.. but someone who could fight.. and defend my honor. Even if your not the best looking person in the world.. if your big and strong.. this will go a long way in how people treat you and you will naturally build that needed confidence.

This worked for me.. but your going to have to do something to change that confidence. I'd say sign up for real weight lifting gym and make some friends their, older people are OK, everyone is very helpful... This will really help change your mindset...


If only I could go back in time to when I was 16, things would of been so much better for me.

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Hey PleasehelpmeIneedit...


Don't worry. I'm 23 (24 in 1 month) and still no g/f, date, kiss etc. Stop worrying, at least you're not as bad off as me.


Im 18 and in the same boat as you.

It does suck and i used be really embarrassed about it, but now i dont really care what people think about it.

Sure id like a gf, but im not jsut going to go and find one for the hell of it, ill jsut wait till the right person comes along , and that might not even happen. I dont see the point in getting a gf just so that ive had one, its a waste of time.

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Hey PleasehelpmeIneedit...


Don't worry. I'm 23 (24 in 1 month) and still no g/f, date, kiss etc. Stop worrying, at least you're not as bad off as me.


Im 18 and in the same boat as you.

It does suck and i used be really embarrassed about it, but now i dont really care what people think about it.

Sure id like a gf, but im not jsut going to go and find one for the hell of it, ill jsut wait till the right person comes along , and that might not even happen. I dont see the point in getting a gf just so that ive had one, its a waste of time.


I was 21 when I got my first girlfriend. But its easier not to have a girlfriend if you never had one. Once I experienced having a girlfriend it was much tougher not having one.

After my first relatinship, when I had no girlfriend, i always felt something was not right.. so until I met my next girl which was some years later.. I got that complete feeling again.



Now that my second relatinship I had with my girl, she bascially dropped my ass, after a short time into us becoming intermate, I wish more than anything in the world.. I could just spend time with her.. cuddle with her, kiss her, give her all my love and affection.

I'd want this over it seems anything else in the world.

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MetallicAguy, with all due respect, I still disagree. I think experience is overrated, and I'm not just saying that because I lack experience myself. I think he's someone who knows what he wants in a relationship, a date, a person, etc. If you already know these things, then experience will only confirm what you've already known. At his age having a GF shouldn't be a priority, it should be something nice that happens if the right circumstances come about. What people should do at that age is to focus on learning about who they really are, what there interestes are. Once you fully know yourself, you'll know what you want from a date and you'll have a better chance of dating the people you really want to be with.


Besides, what someone lacks in experience, they make up for in passion and enthusiam.


Bottom Line: Dating, relationships, love... these are things that we shouldn't worry about. It happens when it is right. Until that time have faith it will happen, confidence in yourself, and continue to live your life the best you can.

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Just turned 22. I've never had a girlfriend. I've never been on a date. I've never asked someone on a date, nor have I been asked on a date (actually, once in highschool I was, but I was too nervous and declined). I've never had a kiss. I am, of course, still a virgin.


You (we) are not alone.


Ever since I came to college I have been passively trying to find a girlfriend (I don't go out of my way to look for one). Yesterday was the first time in my life that a girl seemed sincerely interested in me and I was interested in her. I can't say if anything will come of it, but the point is that these things take time, but eventually a connection will occur.


In highschool, I was overweight and didn't really have much self-esteem. I wasn't surprised that I never got a date. When I came to college I lost weight to the point that I was almost underweight. I've never cosidered myself as incredibly attractive. My ears stick out and my nose is kind of oversized (heh, I'm a amateur caracaturist). The thing is, I really haven't ever made an effort to "make" myself attractive. I'm just me.


We cannot deny that physical attraction exists and that society drives us towards certain images, but everyone has their own tastes. I work with a lot of males who are very open about attraction and the girls they point out to me as attractive really don't appeal to me.


Be yourself and be confident with yourself. Don't be afraid to show girls that you are interested in them. Look them in the eye and smile. That's all the advise I can give you because, frankly, I'm still very new at this.

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I see some of you posted that its no big deal to have never dated etc.

But you must know its a big deal and that is why you are on this forum to begin with. I never had a real relationship until I was 21! I kissed some girls in 8th trough 10th grade but only kissed, that was all.


But there is nothing better than holding a girl in bed and having her head rest on your chest (you have no shirt on etc.), than her finally falling asleep. I just love this position, I feel her hair, face etc. I feel complete and so close to her in this postion.

I also feel like a man, and this is my girl.

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^he's telling the truth. Deep down for most guys it is a big deal. B/c to be in this situation shows that we're not real men (at least IMO). A real man can go out there and get the girl he want's and the fact that I can't do this makes me personally feel less than a man.

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A real man doesn't need to "get a girl" in order to feel like a man. The only reason its a big deal is because most people make it out to be one. Somehow the stereotype got to be that if you don't have a girl, your somehow less of a man. Not true. If anything its more manly to not need to prove yourself like that.

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  • 1 year later...

Hey I have never had a gf either im 14 and im also stuck let me know if you have a breakthru. so far i think it is confidence needed... self confidence.

im a brit by the way so u know but iv tried with this passion etc 4 a while its no workin it scares girls away

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I don't know if it is becoming more common, or if I am just noticing it more, because of recent experiences in my life, but I think that it's completely normal. The guy that I am interested in, his 20 and has never had a girlfriend. Not because he isn't good looking, or doesn't have a good personality, just because. I don't think there's any shame in that, and in fact I even think it might be good because as you age you mature more and are likely to value your first relationship instead of throw it away. Just my 2 cents.



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  • 10 months later...

Guys! I and some another fellas just made a forum for discussing problems like that. Btw, i've never had a gf, relations and etc. So join and register to take part in that conversations. link removed (don't worry about .ru domain. the forum is fully on english language) Hope to meet you there. Best wishes. Joseph

P.S. I'm not a bot. i've posted these two posts manually by pasting into two different threads.

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