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Is she really into me?


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There's this girl at my university that has started giving me attention these last few days. First of all, let me say that about a month ago she was giving me attention, listened to what I say, laughed at my jokes and similar stuff.

Suddenly a guy I know from the same university tells me that he'll have to confess me that they two went out once and they are considering of being together. That guy is a real blocker at the university generally speaking. I told him "okay, she's good, she's smart, make sure to treat her well".I stepped back from the scene, after a couple of weeks I've noticed that they two are no longer acting like a couple, they never did actually (not while they're in the university building with all the rest of us), they just say hi to each other and that's it. That guy's been going out with other girls since then so I know that they two are not together anymore. Maybe they realised that they two are not good for each other. And now she starts giving me attention again, all the same stuff like before, but this time I've got the feeling like I'm being a second option here and that's something I really don't like, If she excluded me the first time to try with that guy I really don't think I should be acting like nothing has happend. She never told me about him though.

I'm in a dilema here whether I should do something, give it a try maybe, or let this one slip? Plus, she told me that she's leaving to Germany for the summer, so that means that she'll be here only a month or two.

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The only way you will know is if you ask her out on a date. For the other guy that claimed they had something together, he could have been lying for all you know.


Also... Does it really matter if you weren't her first choice? It's not like she had both of you stand side-by-side and she chose that guy and said see you later. I had dated numerous women before marrying my wife, but that doesn't mean that she isn't my #1. If I thought that way, then I would technically be like her 8th choice.


If I was in your situation, I would just ask her out on a date. If after a few dates, you two are compatible, then discuss the possiblity of having a relationship AFTER she returns from Germany. I wouldn't officially become a couple before she leaves, because that will just create unneccesary stress in both your lives and you wouldn't really enjoy your summer.

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If you like her, ask her out. She decided against this guy.

And now she starts giving me attention again, all the same stuff like before, but this time I've got the feeling like I'm being a second option here and that's something I really don't like.
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If you like her, ask her out. She decided against this guy.


What this guy said.


Anyway there is no second best if she tried it with the other guy. It's not like you've been pursuing her. And I also think that guy wasn't honest and even if he was he failed like a failing failure that fails.

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