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How do I ask my ex out?

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Ok so I'm 16 years old and I'm a sophomore in high school. I met this one girl in 8th grade and we got together and started dating this year in September. But she went to a different school than I did and we both couldn't drive yet, so it didn't work out. It was a mutual thing and we decided to stay friends. We stopped talking for a while, and about a week ago I ran into her at my tennis match. We started talking and then I had to get on the bus. Then we started texting and catching up with each other. But now I think I like her again. I want to ask her out but I wasn't sure how. Should I ask her if she wants to go for coffee or go to a movie? I also help coach my brother's baseball team so I could ask her if she wants to stop by. I don't know what to do because I'm not sure if she likes me again also. What should I do?

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Ask her out to a real date and do the driving. No 'stopping by" stuff. To lame and timid. Are you talking to her?

Should I ask her if she wants to go for coffee or go to a movie? I also help coach my brother's baseball team so I could ask her if she wants to stop by
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