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Hey, I need some minor help.

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Me and my girlfriend, have been going out for about 4 months, or so.. and I don't know if I am in love with her or not, because this is the first time i've had this feeling. It's like.. I would cancel all my plans just to sit up and talk with her, I am not whipped, I know that much, I am just very flexible with her. In a good way. I never go through a day without thinking about her, and all I want is a good relationship with her, as long as possible, I am prepared to make sacrifices too. I guess what I am saying is, I want to know if this is love, and I kind of want to know if she feels how I feel. And how would I be able to tell if she does. We don't really talk about things like this to each other, unless we're on topic, we're just kind of casual, not much for public affection, we have our times, she always paints me things in Art class too, like my name in a heart, for example, so I know she's thinking about me, I just want to know if this is good, and am I doing okay? And any advice for anything, hopefully you understand.. Thanks!

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Nobody can tell you what love feels like. You can only compare it to what you've felt in the past. I personally think if you can ask yourself if you're in love, you're probably starting to fall in love.


Now as for if she's in love, that's a different story. The only way you're going to find out is if you talk about it. You can also get signs by what you see from her as well. Yes, the art stuff is good, but also notice if there are any bad signs. Is she willing to cancel plans just to talk to or meet with you? Does it feel like she puts you first? If it doesn't, then she probably isn't in love with you. Just notice any red flags that pop up and don't ignore them. And don't be afriad to ask her how she feels about you, how she thinks you goys are going.

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To me it's always been this: if you have to ask if you're in love with someone, then most likely you're not. Your relationship with her is still pretty young so everything you described is natural; the wanting to spend time with each other and such. You both are still in the process of finding things out about each other, so this what makes the start of all relationships exciting and sometimes overwhelming.


At the beginning of my relationship with my boyfriend, I questioned my feelings as well. Then one day I simply looked at him and realized that even through our troubles he's still the one guy I want to be with. I could feel my love for him. I can't really describe it. We've been together for 9 months now, and I still find my feelings grow.


I guess what I'm trying to get to is there'll come a time when you'll know if you love her or not. It might not be soon, but it will come, you just have to be patient. The fact that she takes the time to paint you things is a good sign also. Like heloladies21 said, the only way to find out how she feels is to talk about it. Playing guessing games just takes too long. Being direct works much better. Good luck and I hope my giberish helps somehow!

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Love is a very strong emotion that can sometimes be confused with infatuation or lust. When a person is in love they think of the well-being of that person before they think of themselves. They don't want that person to feel any hurt or pains and wish they could remove all of the past hurts or pains. Love is very confusing. Once you are deeply in love with someone it takes a long time to get over it.


Hope I helped!



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