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Here we go...

My boyfriend of 2 and a half years split up with me just over a month ago. i was devastated. we were so close, he was my bestfriend and he would always tell me how lucky he was to have me and how he loved me so much.

He said the reason he split was because it was becoming to intense for him at this present moment in time. He seems to be going through a weird stage in his life right now, he doesn't seem to care about anything like he used to anymore. He just cares about going out with the lads and getting drunk.

The weird thing is we are still best friends and really close. i have seen him twice since we split up ( as i live in england and he lives in scotland) and each time he has been so gentle towards me. He spoke to me about how he was in a tough time at the moment and we spoke for ages about how he was feeling and i managed to make him feel better. He was constantly hugging me, kissin me on the check, head and nose and would play with my hair. If i was just standin he would give me a hug out of the blue. However sometimes he would say things like just friends yea? good friends? which is completely confusing me!! what does he want?

the last thing is, he recently found out somebody else was interested in me and flipped out, he didn't say it bothered him but he just got really angry with me and started picking a fight over nothing. He then told me how he didn't want a girlfriend and the moment even though i didn't ask or hint anything along those lines! I haven't told him i still really like him, but i don't know what to do, i really love him and i just want to tell him how i feel, but i don't understand what he truly feels.

Help, advice would be great! thanks x

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This is just my opinion, but if you are broken up then why are you still kissing and hugging as if you are a couple? I would think that would confuse and hurt you even more when he tells you " I don't want a girlfriend."


Also.. if he thinks some other guy is after you, and he still likes you, then he needs to get his thoughts in order and make up his mind about you.


I told somebody else this tonight: if he broke up with you, treat him as your ex, if he doesn't like that.. then there is a solution right? . Let him figure it out.

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