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So Today I'm...

shopping and I walk into a clothing store to see my first relationship. (lol @ relationship... more like a friend in elementary school, but we were "going out") I haven't seen or talked to her for about 6 years... I guess she works there.


I mean I think we would hit it off pretty well but I'm scarred to say anything... she kept looking @ me every 3-5 seconds as if she wanted to get the first word in but it just doesn't feel right.


I'm sure if I broke the ice it would be fine but I don't know if I should do it while she is at work. I'm real tempted to go in there tomorrow and strike up a conversation or something and possibly try to get her numbers or what not.... do you think this would be weird? i mean since we haven't talked forever (they kind of just moved away). But since she kept glancing over @ me I have a feeling it would workout.


I'm in need of a prom date and this would be a hell of a fun time if we could hit it off good. so what do you all think... should I ask her, or should I let it pass me by and not say anything to her?


thanks a ton


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Well it really depends on how your relationship was when she left. If you two were on good terms then yeah id go for it cause she obviously still recognises you and u must have caught her attention.


But be careful because you havent seen her for a while dont come on too strongly otherwise you will probably end up scaring her. It will take time to get to know her again and then if you manage to make a relationship out of it go for it...


Goodluck man!

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Well if you were that young still go up to her and talk to her but do it in a more cautious note, nearly so that you are amazed you have met her again. Inviting her to get some coffee or something to catch up on the past years. But remember a lot may have changed since you last met so be careful.

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Hey man, it seems like a good sign that she kept looking at you so often. It seems to me like shes atleast mildly interested, or maybe she was just trying to see if you looked like someone familiar. Regardless of what it is, the only way you are gonna know this sort of this is to just try.

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